Released: The Secret Files of Jared Kushner’s Diary

Dear diary,

This government sucks. They lowered my clearance, and gosh darn, I just don’t know what to do. I mean, I’m only thirty-seven years old and I somehow avoided nepotism laws to become the senior advisor of my father-in- law, THE president. Before people got really upset about me being in the White House, they swooned over me. Why doesn’t that happen anymore? I look the same as I did before this administration, but now my job is terrible. Sure, my brother Joshua has a more likeable significant other and an amazing picture on his google page, but I am still better! I support Trump and that’s the only way to be a winner, of course. Anyhow, I’ve got to regain some points because I am really struggling right

I mean, I’m only thirty-seven years old and I somehow avoided nepotism laws to become the senior advisor of my father-in- law, THE president.

now. At least Ivanka still loves me.

Hugs and Kisses,

The Superior J. Kush


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