Media and Content Use Policy

To request permission to use any materials from The Exonian, please submit your inquiry to Editor-in-Chief Jinmin Lee ‘26 at

The Exonian is a newspaper written and produced by students of Phillips Exeter Academy, with said students as the chief subjects and principal audience of the publication. The views and opinions expressed in The Exonian are solely those of the original authors and do not necessarily represent those of Phillips Exeter Academy, its administrators, or Trustees. Those in the Exeter community are encouraged to read and share The Exonian’s content, made available online. We also encourage staff of The Exonian to pursue further opportunities in journalism and media and to submit their written work to scholarships in journalism or internship opportunities.

The Exonian publishes its weekly content in its entirety on, and digitized copies of all past and current issues of The Exonian are uploaded to our online archives. This content is made available online for convenience and accessibility, but we ask that our readers be reminded that the intended audience of The Exonian, as a high-school newspaper, is the immediate Phillips Exeter Academy community.

Given that the principal authors and subjects of the newspaper are high school students—many of whom are minors—The Exonian, in conjunction the school, holds an important responsibility of ensuring the privacy and well-being of the students, both past and present. For this reason, The Exonian requires that any outside parties interested in using any content from The Exonian first obtain permission from the publication.

For individuals or media outlets seeking to use in any way (including but not limited to: referencing, redistributing, or republishing parts of) any work from The Exonian in print or online, including content from the digital archives, you may submit your inquiry by emailing

User Privacy

The Exonian does not automatically collect any personal information about its users; most data that is collected for the paper is for analytic purposes, aggregate in nature and entirely anonymous. Email addresses are collected when users sign up for The Exonian’s newsletter.

Read The Exonian’s Charter for more information on our newspaper’s standards and practices.