Phrases of Foreign Tongues on Which to Brush Up for the Appeasing of Our New Overlords

굴蕨묾끓寮屢츠莖”: March on towards the Communist future.

乖句寡乖돨토탉콘뭘獗먼昑묾끓寮屢雷街近檄寧湳찮璃乖”: I wish my spouse would satisfy me like rigid Communist ideology does.

童소券菱닒윱죄묾끓뎨, 꺅暾숨휑돤썩렴” The Communist Party came to our home village, swept away the dark clouds and brought us the light of liberation.

栗굶소畺俱묏훙돨沂복”: Capitalists fatten themselves on the workers’ sweat and toil.

儉뻘괏즛淪濫轢쾨덜돨몌츱날폭”: He still retains the revolutionary fervor of the war years.

櫓벌漣리앎獗乖만항”: The Chinese Government is like a father to me.

莖뒈角寬댕돨,뎃뫘路狼돨角묾끓뎨돨雷” Heaven and earth are great, but greater still is the kindness of the Communist Party.

乖돨툉堂돨瀘넒뚤乖윱綱봐轟雷屢,凜槨乖唐묾끓寮屢돨우있”: My friends’ loyalty means nothing to me now that I have the joy of communism.

“Я заверяю в верности Флагу Соединенных Штатов Америки и Республике, за которую он стоит, одной нации, неделимой, со свободой и справедливостью для всех”: I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands, one nation, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.

“Я думаю, что российское правительство очень хорошо управляется”: I think that the Russian Government is very well run.

“Моя семья - подонок рядом с красотой Владимира Путина”: My family is scum next to the beauty of Vladimir Putin.

“Я не знаю, кто повлиял на выборы, но кто бы он ни был, он должен быть очень умным”: I don’t know who influenced the election, but whoever he is, he must be very intelligent.

“Мы покорные граждане, которые любят нашего лидера Дональда Трампа”: We are submissive citizens who love our leader Donald Trump.

“Помогите”: Help


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