This Week’s Headlines That News Missed
The Rexes and Alex forgot to include some of the most important stories in this week’s paper. Obviously, I won’t stand for this. So I’m giving away a few inches of the humor page this week to keep our campus informed:
Gordo forgets to put arm around Coz at EP
Coach Shang dresses up as Olaf
Doctors discover Ben MacLean born without empathy bladder
Tommy Song finally hits gym; gym hits back, Tommy placed on The Exonian injured reserve
Tom Appleton raids Chudi’s closet
New quasar cluster discovered with galactic coordinates +02° 03’ 09”
Kevin Zhen gets DNA test, learns his five-eighths garden gnome
Campus Safety accuses The Grill of employing illegal Canadian immigrants
Four prep writers escape from The Exonian dungeon
Editor Jack switches from boxers to briefs
Health Assembly Exeter’s greatest success in over 200 years
Campus Safety discovers bio department comes to life at night
Astro department proves Earth's procession caused by Chris Shaffrey
Chris Shaffrey eats live gazelle, couldn’t wait for it to finish cooking
Also, Chris Shaffrey’s full name is Christopher Ignatius Shaffrey Jr.
Yena “Dynamo” Cho earns New Hampshire All-State basketball honors
Lol jk no.