How to Finish the Year In One Piece

As the end of the year approaches, there are a few things all of us need to take care of. The beginning of the end brings excitement for summer weather, sadness at leaving our beloved friends and faculty, and prosperous joy at surviving another year here and getting out of this place for a few months to see what the real world is like. For seniors, at least one of these feelings is amplified by their personal experience with Exeter, depending on whether the number of allnighters or bridge jumps is significantly higher. Nonetheless, we all have to go through a little bit of something before we leave Exeter each year. Here’s how…

1. Make sure you finish the school year.

This means academically, socially, physically and mentally. It’s that time of the year where everything seems like it should just slide away. It’s almost sixty degrees outside, so why shouldn’t you just let it all go and sleep outside under a tree for the rest of your Exeter year? Your entire Exeter career, there have been plenty of successful people who’ve slept under a tree all day. Newton, for instance. But, alas, you’re not Sir Isaac, you are still in high school, and class, hygiene, friends and basic human needs are all things you still need to do. 

2. Find a date to Prom. 

Prom is one of the only things that makes Exeter seem like a normal high school, so why not make the most of it and find yourself the perfect Prom date? You non-seniors may think this doesn’t apply to you, but it does! How totally awesome would it be if you were an upper or lower invited to Prom?! Show off to all of your friends back home and let them think you spend more time outside than you do on Netflix. [Editor’s Note: Preps, please remember that you have to be of legal age to consent to Prom attendance.]

3. Use up the rest of your spring term dickies (but stay off of stricts).

This is difficult, because you’re going to have to walk a very thin line. On one hand, if you have one (or two, or three) chances to miss classes, take every chance you can to enjoy the spring or watch movies, or do anything but homework. However, some Exonians have been known to be a little too proactive when it comes to getting rid of their dickeys. So, to avoid checking in with the attendance committee, and to really enjoy those spring weekends, skip as much class as you can (make sure a friend texts you if there’s an assembly check, don’t oversleep, or show up late too often, or forget you had a music lesson.) Remember, with great powers come great opportunities to get dicked.

There are probably more things you can do to make sure that you finish the term whole, but the most important thing is to stay strong and stay out of  J. Smith!


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