Spring Has Sprung
This past week I’ve seen what, before break, would have seemed revolutionary to the academy. The environment of the campus is changing. The sun has reared its head out of months of deathly saddening clouds, bringing a new attitude to Exonians, giving us the opportunity to pretend, if only for a moment, that we’re not in Exeter, New Hampshire.“It’s great. With this snow, I’ve had to stay conservative all winter. But now, in the spirit of non sibi, I can really give back to the Exeter community, you know, show off some major skin,” says one upper wearing clashing pastel shorts cut off above the pockets. “Somehow the shorts are going to get ever shorter for the boys this spring.”Accompanying a dramatic change for morale, boarders can now start wearing all of the clothes they actually brought to campus, instead of the optimistic one sweater they packed. “You never really think winter is going to happen, until it does,” says senior Joowhan Kim. “But it’s spring now, so it’ll probably won’t ever be winter again.” “I came to Exeter with just a bikini,” said one McConnel girl, “I’ve been out here since monday and I’m not even sure which classes I’m taking anymore,” said the tanned senior.Almost everybody loves the change in season, and effects on the students that come with it. “I get to feel warm, and fun, and free for seven formats a day, but unfortunately I have a Spanish H format in Phillips. I swear I just have really long fingertips,” says one boys varsity hockey manager, after being dress coded.So thank you enviroment for being warm, and maybe you’re a little warmer than you should be. Plus, in about three weeks New Hampshire is going to way over compensate by shooting up to 90 degrees--but hey, is that really such a bad thing? We have a bridge for a reason.