1/23/25 Highlight: Boys’ Varsity Squash


On Wednesday, Jan. 15, the boys’ varsity squash team played a tough match at home against St. Paul’s, ultimately losing to their strong team with a score of 4-3.

While many were dissatisfied with their loss against St. Paul’s, the athletes were still proud of the sportsmanship and dedication they poured into the match and the sport. 

“Something really memorable about that game was all of the people cheering for us, especially because the girls’ and boys’ varsity teams played at the same time. The amount of support that was there, including even other people from different teams cheering for players on the court, was amazing,” prep Evan Chen shared.

“I was in the last match that was still playing, and I remember everybody cheering me on and rooting for me during the second game. Unfortunately, I lost that, but in the third game, they were still starting to cheer very loudly for me and I felt their presence,” prep Maverick Hilal noted.

Captain and upper Max Liu continued, “The team environment was very positive and when the games were close, our cheering and support helped him push through.”

The squash team continues to improve as the season goes on. Prep Evan Chen commented on their training, “I think it was a lot of practicing consistency and practicing our match play and really like making sure when we’re on the court we’re playing our best.”

The team will continue to grow, and, as Liu expressed, “We’re going to take some more time this week to really reflect on the St. Paul’s match to improve our endurance.” 


1/23/25 Highlight: Girls’ Varsity Squash


1/23/25 Highlight: Boys’ Varsity Ice Hockey