Girls' Swimming Wallops Weak NMH Squad

This past Saturday, Exeter’s girls’ varsity swimming squad went head-to-head with Northfield Mount Hermon in Exeter’s Roger Nekton Championship Pool. Big Red came out on top with an astonishing win, and beat out NMH by twenty points. The victory and the girls’ collective performance ultimately reflected the team’s effort and hard-training, and proved to be one of the most crowning meets of the season.

Compared to previous meets, this past Saturday’s meet was unique in the sense that the team changed around the lineup a bit. “People were swimming events that they don’t normally swim,” senior and captain Dana Yu said. “Even so, we had twelve personal best times and came away with an exciting win.” The girls showed that even when they are disadvantaged and on unfamiliar ground, they still have the propensity for extreme success. Hopefully the squad can continue this effort through the rest of the season, and continue to see the same number of wins.

“Our team is always super enthusiastic and we’re always cheering each other on. The chemistry on NEGS is indescribable. Everyone is so caring, thoughtful and kind.”

While NMH has a great team, their swimmers were not much competition for Big Red’s water striders. The girls are simply too good. “They're a very nice team,” senior Michelle Ysrael said. “And while they might not be our toughest competition, it’s always an enjoyable meet.” Nevertheless, the girls put up a respectable performances and did not humiliate their competition.

“It was a pretty laid-back meet and a lot of the girls swam events we don’t usually swim,” lower Emily LaRovere said. “Our team is always super enthusiastic and we’re always cheering each other on. The chemistry on NEGS is indescribable. Everyone is so caring, thoughtful and kind.”

While all of the girls had great meets, and each one is a star in their own special way, there were a few members of the team who had especially good performances. Upper Stajz Saar, who normally swims the distance freestyle races, hit the wall with an amazing time of 2:19 in the 200 Individual Medley. Upper Olivia Reed and lower Catherine Huang also had great races in the 500 meter freestyle race. This race is not only fast, but long, and requires a great amount of endurance. Ysrael also swam especially well, with a best time in the 100 meter backstroke and a first place finish. Yu was equally successful in her race, coming in at 1:03 for the 100 butterfly race.

These past few weeks have been tough on the team, with numerous swimmers out, and some tough workouts to get through. However, the girls did not back down, and went in strong to the meet anyway. “We all went into the meet with positive attitudes, and continued to cheer and motivate each other through our races,” Ysrael said. “With interschols only 3 weeks away, I’m glad the energy is still high and I see us growing and improving every practice.”


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