The Democrats Are Imploding Too

As the media targets the Republican Party for extreme views, an insane number of presidential candidates and numerous controversies, there is an issue that seems to slip right out of the public eye. Not only are the Republicans imploding, but the Democrats are as well. Well hidden under a shadow that the media provides, the Democratic Party seems well organized and, frankly, more civilized than its counterpart. The Democrats put up a great mirage that is only amplified when compared to the wildness of the GOP. But as a more liberal, democratic campus, we cannot choose to ignore the big flaws within the Democratic Party that, when recognized, don’t look much better than the Republicans.When I think of the Presidential Candidates for the Democratic Party, the first thing that comes to mind is that there are not so many of them. In contrast to the Republican Party which has 11 candidates, the Democrats have three. But there is one thing that they have in common: they are both being dominated by one person. In the case of the Democrats, this certain person is Hillary Clinton. With support for Secretary Clinton going through the roof, many people are ecstatic that we might finally have the first “Mrs. President.” My concern however is that the further expansion of this dominant political family may lead to something of a political monopoly. The same argument could be applied to Donald Trump, regarding his already established power, filthy amounts of money and his celebrity status.Another thing that we have to take into account is the rapid increase in extremist views on both sides of the political spectrum. Even though I am a supporter of Bernie Sanders, we all have to be skeptical of people with such strong opinions on the important issues. With popular Republicans like Trump and Ted Cruz moving further to the right and popular Democrats like Sanders and Clinton moving further to the left, there is a complete lack of representation for those with opinions in the middle. The lack of representation for this large portion of Americans can be frightening. With the youth of our country increasingly politically active, the Democrats have crafted more leftist politicians. As Winston Churchill has said, “If you are not a liberal at 25, you have no heart. If you are not a conservative at 35 you have no brain.” Not only can extremist politicians lead to the implosion of both parties, but it can cause more nonpartisanship in our government than there is now. Of course there can and will always be politicians with extreme positions, but with our current number of such politicians, our nation, let alone the individual parties, will not be able to function.With President Obama’s approval rating at the lowest point it has ever been—40 to 43 percent—he is not doing so well. Personally, whenever I have to picture the Democratic Party in my head, I always think of Obama as its main representative. The Democrats don’t have control of the Senate or the House of Representatives and they are being judged based on the approval rating of our President. Like I said, the media has done a beautiful job of putting figures such as Donald Trump in the spotlight, which has effectively hidden this gradual downfall of the Democratic Party. When an all too powerful political family is combined with extremist politicians, a “bad” president and a lack of Congressional control, the outcome cannot be good. The downfall of both of our two main political parties is bound to come at some point in time. It may not be this election, the next election or even the one after that. But what the American people have to know is that the nonpartisanship in this country due to the extreme political power shift and separation will lead to the implosion of not only the GOP, but the good looking, dressed up political party that is known as the Democrats.


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