Marco Rubio for the Republicans

The Republican field has often been criticized for not focusing enough on actual policy, with candidates putting emphasis on discontent but not necessarily providing any feasible solutions. However, Sen. Marco Rubio is the leading Republican candidate with the most concrete, reasonable plans as well as a shown ability to compromise. In this election cycle, Republicans across New Hampshire and the country have the opportunity to redefine their party. They can choose between an optimistic party that welcomes a more diverse group of people with more moderate ideas for reform, or a party more focused on extremes such as a flat tax or the rejection of many foreigners.The son of a bartender and a maid, Rubio is well acquainted with the plight of the middle class. He knows how many of our fellow Exonians’ families feel. His optimistic message for “A New American Century” provides a much needed relief from the pessimism and negativity his fellow candidates sometimes spread. Even his character creates a clear distinction between him and the rest of the GOP crowd. A presidential candidate has to be presidential: he stands out to many as not only very intellectual, but also as the most polite and poised. Similarly, his policies are more sensible. He understands that immigration reform doesn’t have to mean rounding up every illegal immigrant and throwing them out of the country. Rather, he sees it as a way to  secure and protect the border while also creating a pathway to citizenship, recognizing that America needs immigrants to continue its growth and to keep its status as the land of hope and opportunity. That’s why he supports granting more access to people who have the skills the American market needs.Out of all of the candadites, Rubio has shown the most in-depth understanding of the plight of the middle class. As Rubio has said, “It’s been a long time since the Republican Party has talked to a single mother raising two children who is struggling at $15 or $14 or $13 an hour. It’s been a long time since the Republican Party has had an agenda that talks to students.” He has presented policies with middle class Americans in mind while still supporting many of the important goals of right-wing economics—to make sure that the government doesn’t pick winners and losers and to let the free market do its job.Another large theme so far in this election, especially on the GOP side, has been security. Rubio’s comprehensive foreign policy plan secures American interests by modernizing our military and ensuring that our defense doesn’t lose spending. However, he also recognizes that having an outrageous debt poses just as much of a threat to national security as a weak military. Rubio’s policies will balance the budget, reduce our spiraling deficit and invigorate the job market, yet he will still put an emphasis on maintaining a strong military defense, especially to protect America from ISIS.Finally, in this ever-polarized political scene, Rubio has demonstrated a strong ability for compromise. He was a member of the Gang of Eight which presented comprehensive, bipartisan immigration reform rather than calling for an extreme change in immigration policy. Other Republican candidates, most notably Ted Cruz, have spoken out against the bill. The GOP can’t afford to have another candidate unwilling to compromise.After losing the popular vote in five of the last six presidential elections, Republicans need to reconsider the goals of their party and the best way to achieve them.  If they want to uphold their party’s long legacy, Republicans this year need to choose a more moderate candidate who will still address the important issues, but has common sense policies and a willingness to compromise. This is why The Exonian endorses Sen. Marco Rubio for the Republican nomination.


The Democrats Are Imploding Too


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