Short ‘n Sweet (Ft. Exonians)
Sabrina Carpenter is one of the most iconic artists of 2025
Feather (Emails I Can’t Send)
I play this song the second I walk out of the last final of every term.
Nonsense (Emails I Can’t Send)
This song is CONSTANTLY playing in my ears when I walk past the hallway crush I’ve talked to once.
Paris (Singular: Act 1)
Where I’m trying to go to get away from this STRESS.
Please Please Please(Short ‘n Sweet)
“Don’t prove I’m right” is my mindset walking out of a test I know I failed.
Can’t Blame a Girl for Trying(Eyes Wide Open)
The song I listened to immduately before emailing my teacher asking her to round my C+ up to an A at 11:57 the night before midterm grades go in.
Espresso (Short ‘n Sweet)
What I’m sipping as I try to keep my eyes open at an 8am math class.