Seven Inspiring and Motivational Quotes from Alumni to Motivate and Inspire

By: Blake Simpson

“Work hard, and maybe you, too, will be one of the worst presidents of all time.”

-Franklin Pierce

“Work hard, and maybe you, too, will be one of the worst presidents of all time.”

-George H.W. Bush

“Mission accomplished!”

-George W. Bush (in response to his father’s quote)

“What did you think they put in grill cookies?”

-Hannibal Lecter

“It’s ok to not do your homework. I always used to tell the deans a horse ate it. This was preposterous because there was no way one could fit a horse inside of a dorm room. Maybe consider a smaller animal like a goose or a salamander.”

-Mark Zuckerberg

“Didn’t George Bush go to Andover?”

-Dorothy Baker (future alumna)

“Sure, I remember Hannibal.”

-Billy K. A.K.A. Raw Seafood A.K.A. Rhymes with Dawson A.K.A. The Plaintiff in My Most Recent Journalistic Libel Suit (see: ‘Raw Seafood’) ‘71


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