A Guide For Preps on Choosing Rooms Rooms
1. Annoy upperclassmen about choosing new rooms ASAP!! If you’re approaching them inDecember, you’re too late.
2. Go around to all the preps and ask exactly which rooms they want and proceed to give them condescending looks if they mention a room that you want.
3. Spend two hours figuring out exactly how many singles are available and argue with all the preps about who is going to suffer a double again next year and waste your time listing all the reasons why this year was worse than everyone else’s but no one is listening because it is a random lottery anyways.
4. Try to force the people who are being the most annoying into a double and/or threaten to move out if you don’t get a single
5. Interrupt the whole dorm and walk in on people changing and doing important business to take a room tour.
6. Get yelled at by various people in the dorm for staying up past 11 arguing about rooms.