Things To Hope For in Spring Term

  1. That your teacher acknowledges all kinds of participation: using the huge paper dictionary to define words, annotating the text, listening and knocking on the table when you agree with someone’s point

2. That your teacher doesn’t dress code cuz it’s officially Spring, and we need to be able to wear spring things that come above our fingertips. Especially for those whose arms feel disproportionately long :,(

3. That your coach doesn’t take one look at you, realize how much you’ve let yourself go and decide that they will forever be disappointed in you

4. That you will finish your homework the NIGHT BEFORE it’s due, you know, like you’re theoretically supposed to

5. That when your first assignment says “read from the start to page 40,” the first page of actual reading starts on page 11

6. That you won’t return to your winter term habit of skipping dinner and then running around your dorm mooching trashy food from all your friends

7. That you’ll stop using lunch as naptime

8. That you will finally stop seeing posts from “Exeter in (Blank)” Instagram accounts on your daily feed

9. That you will no longer spend your day studying for the SAT

10. That you will keep your optimistic Spring Term mentality for more than a week


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