10 Tips for a Successful E/A Weekend
Cry if you’re not a four-year senior because you’ve never experienced the bonfire.
Be glad that pep rally isn’t outdoors in the 40-degree temps.
Wear the E/a design from Bus Ride because it slightly resembles Andover’s from two years ago, and you’ll finally get a chance to storm the field when they win the football game.
Go to the Health Center to fatigue it while the program still exists.
Make sure to add something to your snap story with the Andover geotag so that people know where you are.
Use most of your energy at the volleyball game because we typically win that one.
Go to their new fieldhouse and remark on how the inside “kinda looks like ours, but blue.”
Try to hype everyone up in the crowd around you so that you feel the true power of the Red Bandits.
Use this opportunity to find John Palfrey and beg him to become our next principal.
Miss the bus back on purpose and transfer to Andover, where you’ll be “happier.”