Aries - You’re the funniest person in any room. Why not share your gift with the broader campus community by writing for Exonian Humor? (Because obviously the entire student body avidly follows the Humor Page.)
Taurus - Fun Fact: Mark Zuckerberg is a Taurus too! His contributions to the Humor page are widely considered to be the highlight of his Exeter career, and his life.
Gemini - Things are looking up for you; the stars say that if you choose to put in the effort, your submitted work is very likely to be published in the Humor page! Don’t waste this astral opportunity.
Cancer - Laughter has been shown to reduce stress, release endorphins, promote cardiac health, and boost the immune system. Try to laugh more this week, or even better, help your fellow Exonians stay healthy by writing for Humor!
Leo - You seem stressed. Writing humor is a great way to get your mind off of homework!
Virgo - Terrible things will befall you and your loved ones unless you write for Exonian Humor.
Libra - The upcoming week will be one of great productivity for you! One great way to capitalise your newfound work ethic is to write for the Humor page.
Scorpio - Malevolent spirits seek to darken your day. They’re also the kind that can only be dispelled by writing something funny and submitting it to exonianhumor@gmail.com.
Sagittarius - Your future isn’t looking the brightest and there’s not much you can do about it. Since mediocrity is inevitable, why not write for Humor?
Capricorn - Verb of the Week: Write
Aquarius - Preposition of the week: For
Pisces - Noun of the week: Humor