How to Get an A Squared in a Class

Getting an A squared is a rare acknowledgement you can get here at Exeter telling you that you are really smart, but most importantly, really good at not caring. But how does one get this acknowledgment? Well here are some tips you can do to get an A squared.

1. Well first, you gotta be super duper uber smart. Getting into Exeter is not enough, you gotta be a internationally-renowned genius or something.

1. Well first, you gotta be super duper uber smart. Getting into Exeter is not enough, you gotta be a internationally-renowned genius or something.

2. Then during class, just sit and enjoy the view out the window. Pay no mind to the fierce arguments made by your struggling peers at the table. They shouldn’t  phase you. No, in fact they should remind you about how you didn’t do your homework for next class, but that’s okay, because you’ll probably get by.

3. Homework! More like Leaveittothelastminuteandthencopywhatisontheboardthenextdaywork! In class, you retain what you learned and just use it for tests. Easy as py! You ask no questions in class because your classmates are just always really clear when explaining things, so you are all set to go!

4. The final tip is not studying under any circumstance. If you don’t study then you should be fine. But the key to this is to vocalize your lack of enthusiasm to the teacher, explaining that you didn’t feel the need or frankly you got distracted watching the south side cat clean itself and wondering the advantages of ingesting your own filth. Hmmm… But anyway, vocalizing your lack of motivation to your teachers is important because it lets them know you don’t care, which is good! It shows them you worked really hard to deserve your A squared.


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