Five Kids in Every Harkness Discussion:
1. The Participation Counts Kid - this kid’s points all consist of them reading an impossibly long passage followed by a vague rephrasing. Finds everything “interesting.” Also feels the need to ask an obvious question every time there’s an awkward silence. Smiles a little too much.
2. The Barely Hanging On Kid -this kid participates twice a class by reading chunks of Wikipedia articles way after everyone has already moved on from that topic. Makes a point from time to time that is so blatantly incorrect and desperately spends the rest of class trying to fix it. Always looks completely lost. Never does the reading.
3. The Second Teacher - this kid looks up all the vocabulary. No one else in the class ever bothers because you all know this kid has your back. This kid’s margins are filled to the brim. Also takes extensive notes during class. Ties other people’s points together. Uses names. Asks thoughtful questions no one can answer. Invites quiet kids to join the conversation. Puts everyone else to shame. Knows they’re better than you.
4. The Actual Worst - this kid clearly has nothing to say but manages to throw buzzwords and Shakespeare references into every point they make. Talks a little too loudly. Always a little too confident. Half the class gets their mind blown every single time this kid talks and the other half just rolls their eyes.
5. The Ghost - this kid has “fatigued” half the classes and somehow hasn’t spoken a single word all term. You catch them fighting to keep their eyes open a lot. To be honest, you don’t even know their name.