Fun Things to Do During a Snow Day
1. Go sledding on D-Hall trays.
2. Form a group of armed snowball fight bandits. Have no mercy on the innocents.
3. Talk about how much you needed the snow day.
4. Immediately after, complain that the school is going soft for giving you the much-needed snow day. After all, if we aren’t suffering, we aren’t keeping with the puritan values of suffering for the greater good that this institution was founded upon. John Phillips would be ashamed. Weak.
5. Make a snow angel AND a snow devil. The human psyche is complex, and we can’t all be saints.
6. Order Penang since nobody else is delivering and dumplings are nice.
7. Write your 332.
8. Knit a sweater.
9. Make last minute Valentine’s Day cards for your various lovers.
10. Read a damn book.
11. Get some sleep.
12. Create a secret society. Don’t let anyone join but yourself. It’s ultra secret. Take that, Dead Poets Society.
13. Venture into town only to realize that everything is closed, you’re tired, and now your entire body is damp.
14. Build a wall–of snow!
15. Order Penang again.
16. Try to order Pad Thai, then end up becoming sad because they’re closed and you really wanted Thai bubble tea and mangoes.