Words of the Week
In honor of Tuesday night’s debate, I thought that I could make a new section called Words of the Week. Here are your words of the week.
Bigly (adverb)- A word to describe actions that aren’t quite yuge, but aren’t as small as certain people’s hands. Example: “I’m going to cut taxes bigly and you are going to raise them bigly (Donald Trump, the debate).” Also an alternate pronunciation of the phrase “Big League.”
Braggadocious (adjective)- A word that you use when you don’t know the word braggadocio, but you want to sound like you have intelligence. Example: “I have a great company. I have a tremendous income. And the reason I say that is not in a braggadocious way (Donald Trump, the debate).”
Global Warming (Proper Noun)- A hoax perpetuated by the Chinese. Example: “The concept of global warming was created by and for the Chinese in order to make U.S. manufacturing non-competitive (Donald Trump, 2012).”
Law and Order (Proper Noun)- An American Television show. Example: “Secretary Clinton doesn’t want to use a few words: Law and order (Donald Trump, the debate).”
Wrong (Noun)- The mating call of the lesser orange Donald. Example ”Wrong.Wrong. Wrong. Wrong (Donald Trump, the debate).”
Fact (Noun)- Something that isn’t true, but sounds like it might be.
Stamina (Noun)- Oh, we know exactly what you mean. Example: Clinton “doesn’t have the stamina (Donald Trump, the debate).”