Dorm vs. Dorm

Five Regrets from Abbot Casino

1. Didn’t photobomb enough pictures.

2. Getting cropped out of so many picuters.

3. Having to be a charity case to not have to leave the poker table five times.

4. Taking pictures with preps. 

5. Going to Abbot Casino.

Next Week: Lamont Against Peabody

Each week, two or three dorms will be pitted against each other. Members of the chosen dorms will submit a reply to the Humor section’s weekly prompt. The funniest, most appropriate response will be published in the Humor Section and the dorm with the best response will win the round. Submissions must be emailed to before EP on the Tuesday following this edition of The Exonian.

This week’s prompt: 5 Ways You Spent Your Day Alone (Valentine’s Day)?


Guess Who Did What


Things I Want for My 16th Birthday