Things I Want for My 16th Birthday
1. World peace.2. World domination.3. Someone to tell Donald Trump that orange is NOT the new black.4. Someone to tell the Donald that if he were not a presidential candidate, I still would not date him.5. Stacks.6. An honorary membership of the girls’ JV Ball team.7. For Exeter Confesses debating to be considered an extracurricular for college applications.8. A wall to be built around all my problems.9. Probable Cos to skip B format to see Trump.10. Netflix and Grill.11. To get an A on an English paper.12. Steamed Vegetable Medley.13. A birthday shout out in the humor page.14. For DJ Khaled to snap me back.15. To not be 15 anymore.16. And a partridge in a pear tree.HAPPY BIRTHDAY, EMILY!You have more commitment to the humor page than RC has commitment to his GPA. - The Humor Editors