Will the Real Conservative Please Stand Up?
Students on campus who identify as “right-leaning” or “ideologically curious” will finally have a safe haven on campus, thanks to PEA’s Republican Club. This Friday, Jan. 22, will be the school’s first ever “Conservative Coming Out Day” in an effort to promote diversity and acceptance. “No longer will students have to feel ashamed of the political beliefs they have,” a Republican Club leader said. “We want them to know that Exeter is an accepting campus—whether they’re into ‘state’s rights,’ reducing funding for federal programs or just generally making negative comments about Bernie Sanders.”Supporters of the cause feel that this day will be a huge step forward for the Conservative Rights Movement; but since its inception, it’s been met with a fair amount of resistance. One student (whose identity will be withheld), recounted the experience they had at home after they revealed his political preference to their parents. “My mom was cool with it, which was great, but my dad got really angry. He said things like ‘Humans are naturally liberal’ and ‘being conservative is a choice’—ignorant statements that really hurt.” Despite existing opposition, the event will still go on this Friday.“This will be a historical day for all of us—I know people will feel so much safer now that I’m out of the gun closet,” the Republican Club leader said. “We’re all people in the end. Some of us just want to make America great again.”