Fun Things to do Over Spring Break
Look at you. You’re in the home stretch! Just over a week until spring break. Here’s a list of things you can try doing if you’re bored during break.
Eat real food.
Eat fake food.
Eat any food that isn’t D-Hall food.
Get your driver’s license.
Cry because you can’t drive for ¾ of the year anyway.
Sleep some more.
Make a bagel.
See your old friends from middle school.
Realize that you had no friends in middle school.
^Because you were a nerd before you came to Exeter.
^^You’re still a nerd, actually. People just respect it more here.
Text your dorm friends.
Text your music friends.
Text your sports friends.
Text that one cute boy.
Get rejected by that one cute boy.
Watch all the TV shows you missed.
Run out of shows to watch.
Watch shows you would never normally watch because you have no friends at home.
Discover you have a punk rock side.
Write a novel.
Write a humor article. (Please?)
Realize that you miss Exeter.
Realize that your hometown is really boring.
Make a Club Penguin account.
Try a DIY project.
End up accidentally stapling your own hand.
Take relationship quizzes on
Fly back to New Hampshire.