A Letter to New Students
Dear avid readers, My name is Nick (you should know this because it says it above) and I hope you had a wonderful summer. For those of you who are new to Exeter, this is probably a pretty big change from life before. It can be a scary time, especially for you young preps, so I just want you all to know that I will be here to help. If you ever need guidance, I have had my share of ups and downs. Hit me up at ndupont@exeter.edu. But just so I don’t have every single one of you emailing me, I’m going give you a run down of the first few days and some of the most important things.First of all, before classes start tomorrow, there is opening Assembly. This is like every other assembly in which all (half) the student body gathers in the Assembly Hall and listens to some important person speak. Except instead of 25 minutes, opening assembly takes two hours, and instead of some random person, the speaker is Principal Hassan analyzing some part of the Deed of Gift, and instead fall asleeping of the shoulder of your neighbor, you have to stand and sing “For the Splendor of Creation” while everybody awkwardly judges everybody else's voice in comparison to Reverend Thompson's booming, beautiful voice.After this, you have classes Friday afternoon and Saturday morning. Don’t worry, there's no homework, so you basically don’t have to show up. You will probably play the name game, see an attractive member of the opposite or same sex, and then be really distracted for the rest of class and awkwardly forget everyone’s names. Or maybe that’s just me.Finally, after classes and sports on Saturday, there will be a dance hosted by Dunbar in the science building at 8:30. Back in Black, as it’s called, isn’t your typical Exeter dance (but they aren't even planning to play the song of that name by ACDC. Perhaps because the new kids are really new, or perhaps because everybody has forgotten that Exeter dances are usually terrible, but either way, Back in Black is a great opportunity to do some dirty dancing.That should hopefully get you through the weekend. Have fun, and have a good time at Back in Black, if you know what I mean… Sincerely, Nick