Varsity Track Win Over Portsmouth and Exeter High

By: Catherine Wu, Alaysha Zhang

Runners of the Academy’s varsity boys’ and girls’ track and field teams raced towards the finish line and claimed their victory on April 16. With both girls’ and boys’ teams celebrating first during the interscholastic meet against Portsmouth and Exeter High, the track team began their spring season with an electrifying start.

Varsity track and field coach Hillary Hall pointed out the differences between the winter and spring track seasons: “We are very different from indoor. And part of that is this indoors is so very different from our outdoors, 17 events outdoors, and only 11 events indoors. So we've got an influx of new people to sort of sprinkle on top of all the core groups that we had in the winter and that always just changes the dynamics. But same, really good work ethic, same playfulness.” 

Athletes discussed their overall experiences at this first outdoor meet. “This meet was actually my first outdoor track meet, and the overall atmosphere was super fun and supportive,” lower Tenley Nelson said. “We saw a lot of great performances for this season opener, and I think the whole team worked really well together.”

“I feel like this meet demonstrated a lot of our team’s resilience, especially when it comes to the weather. It could be sunny, rainy, and our teammates will still show up and do their best. So even though everything wasn’t exactly ideal, I loved that we were able to still put it together and represent,” senior Indrani Basu said.

Throwers who competed at the meet shared their thoughts. “The meet for me was a mixed bag of emotions,” lower Max Sheldon said. “It’s my first year throwing and this was the first time I tried javelin.”

For lower Zuzanna Szul, “the meet was really fun.” “I really liked watching the 4x400 relays because they are usually my favorite part of the meets since they’re super exciting to watch,” Szul said.

Compared to winter term’s indoor track meets, however, lower Michael Zhu preferred indoor track. “I feel like the atmosphere for indoor track was honestly better. Since the proximity of events and spacing was smaller, there was more cheering and spirit overall,” Zhu said.

Even members of the team who were unable to compete shared their thoughts on this meet. “It was good. I was injured so I was just watching people race, and it kind of made me a little sad, but it was happy overall. I think the team performed great.” senior Naisha Deora said.

Many runners new to the team applauded the track’s overflowing team spirit. “As a member of the track team so far, I have found track and field to be one of the most fun, exciting, but most of all, accepting environments I have ever been a part of,” prep Melani Dowling said.

Lower Ugo Barrah said a strength the track team has is the cheering and supportive atmosphere, “Everyone's lining up near the track to cheer on their teammates. And I feel like that's a really great thing to have at a meet.”

Older members of the team similarly remarked on the team’s supportiveness. “I love how supportive the team is!” senior Emma Chen said. “During events, I love hearing (and being a part of) all the cheering that goes on. And of course, it’s awesome having your teammates cheer you on when you run.”

When senior Akili Tulloch reflected on his most memorable moment during his past track seasons, he recalled a memory of when he was running the 400 meters: “I went around the bend and like, I went into that straightaway, when you finish your first 200 meters, there's just like a point where mentally I'm like ‘oh, this is halfway. And I'm so fatigued. At that moment, I think that point it's like the toughest mental battle. I got to the 200 meter and there was nobody there except for Bradley [St. Laurent]. He was like, ‘go, okay!’ It was pretty impactful. It definitely helped me throughout the race.” 

Hall talked about the meet as well: “There were a couple of really incredible performances at that last meet, and it's always fun with track and field where there are PRS or good performances, and you can kind of pull that out and highlight it.” Hall shouted out senior Avery Hastings -- “She just crushed the old record by 10 feet. And she's just getting started. It wasn't even good discus throwing weather, so she's gonna be one to watch.”

Hall continued to discuss senior Caleb Holloway, upper Oliver Brandes, upper Owen Dudley and lower Max Lacombs’ performances in recent meets. “Holloway was just off a hall of fame in the shop put, and that's a newish event for him. So I look forward to him doing some great things there. The boys 800 meter was incredible with Oliver and Owen and Max.” 

A number of personal records (PR) were accomplished at this first meet. “Ran the 3K, and got a PR by almost 50 seconds from last year, so that’s kinda cool,” lower Advay Nomula said. “A lot of good times from other people in general too, some good 1500s and 800s.”

Throwers on the team PRed in their respective events as well. “The team had a solid performance with inclimate weather. I PRed in the discus and the javelin,” lower Tanner Boulden said.”

Many teammates gave shoutouts to individual races. “Big shoutout to Sheala! She not only came in first in the 3k race, but it was such an exciting win too. Her competitor started off just in front of her, but Sheala stayed with her and passed her in the end. We were all so proud of her!” Chen said.

Similarly, lower David Goddall shouted out his fellow teammate’s race. “Big shoutout to Paul Kiesling! He did really well in his 1500, and I’m excited to see his development. Overall, everyone did super well and I’m excited for our next meet!”

Similarly for prep Paul Kiesling, “I also need to work on my kick. As well as staying engaged throughout the race and not slowing down.”

“I think I need to get more experience with blocks and spikes,” prep Sam Benochi agreed.

Hall commented on runners who ran in the winter season, and will continue to improve in this upcoming season. “It's sort of the two uppers, [Brandes and Dudley] that were strong in the winter, really stepping up and then Lacomb showing young developing skills, moving up. So all three of those people, super optimistic about them.” 

Looking back, athletes shared their hopes moving forward in the season. “I hope to get faster as the season progresses, as well as become a better teammate. I loved spring track season last year so it feels good to get back into it,” Nomula said.

“I imagine myself working hard and progressing to be the runner and athlete I have always aspired to be. Relying on my training and the people around me who are helping me achieve these goals. Not only do I want to focus on track and my running physically, but as an athlete, I want to learn the values of becoming better at sportsmanship and supporting my teammates as I become more of a leader on this team,” Dowling concluded.


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