Varsity Golf Has Been Crushing Their Season


       Composed of more than 20 members, Exeter’s golf team has proven to be a powerhouse on campus. They have faced off against multiple schools so far this season, their most recent match being against Brooks School and Proctor Academy, where they tallied one win, 11-0, and one loss, 4.5-7.5. So far this season, the golf team’s record is five wins and three losses, and they still have many more matches to increase their record, and continue to grow as a team.

       When upper Henry Hahn was asked about how the season has been so far, he commented, “The season so far has been amazing. This is my first year on the team and so far it has been one of the best experiences I’ve had at my time at Exeter.”

       Prep Sophia Xue added, “It has been very fun, and it was nice getting to know the people on the team. Since the start of the season, everyone has been improving their game, and recently we have been winning a lot of our matches, which is great.”

       The golf team, while competing their best at matches, has also worked hard to create an environment for everyone involved to have a great experience at every practice and game.

       When questioned about how the team prepares for matches, lower Ananya Ray stated, “Our practices consist of our choice of playing nine holes or practicing that day. Usually leading up to matches, we try to get more course-work in so we go out and play more on the golf course, and the earlier parts of the week consist of more time on the driving range to work on more technical issues.”

       This team works tirelessly every day in order to become better, and to contribute to the success of the team in future matches.

       Members of the team shared highlights from the season. “It was traveling to Rhode Island to compete against Newton Country Day and Portsmouth Abbey. We swept and got to play at a beautiful course, the Aquidneck Club.”

       “The highlight of the season has been the bus rides to practice everyday,” Hahn said. “Especially after a long day of school it feels great to share some laughter with my teammates on the bus.”

       When asked about goals for the rest of the season, head coach Bob Bailey commented, “The goal is always to play your best, make good decisions on the course, and of course win!”

       Xue added, “The team has been working hard during practice to improve their game, so our goal is to finish the season strong and bring back a couple of wins.”

       Exeter’s golf team manages to balance its in-game seriousness with having fun outside the course. The team will continue to work hard for the rest of the season in order to improve to the best that they can be, hoping to bring home a few more wins with about six matches left in the season.


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