1/23/25 Highlight: Varsity Swim and Dive
On Saturday, Jan. 19, the girls’ and boys’ swim and dive teams dominated at Deerfield. Captain Ellie Colman expressed, “Overall, Exeter did great! We crushed Deerfield, winning by around 60-70 points for the girls and 80-90 for the boys.”
She further emphasized the dividing team’s immense growth this year, stating, “We have a lot of new divers performing completely new and different skills, improving and growing throughout the year.”
Prep Elizabeth Li seconded this sentiment, reflecting on recent meets: “We’ve done well. A lot of the divers are really experienced and they did really well in the competition. For swimming, I’d say we’re really strong, especially for girls. Our relays are also always really good. Overall, we’re really consistent.”
When asked about a highlight of the meet, Colman described the tight-knit, supportive environment fostered by the team: “One of the things we did best in, in terms of diving, was our support for our teammates. With each diver who had worries and fears about the meet or a specific dive, everyone else was there to support them. Whether it was through words of encouragement, advice about technique, or congratulations with cheers and fist bumps, each team member contributed to the supportive environment that led Exeter to victory.” Not only does the team’s talent drive them to victory, but their support and confidence in each other is another aspect vital to their success.
With numerous new members, the coaches and captains have been extremely welcoming and helpful. Prep Gavyn Jones expressed, “I love our diving captains. They’re the sweetest people ever and Ellie is always so kind and encouraging. The coaches and captains give great feedback on how you can improve your form, your position, your jump, and your dive in general.”
Colman shared a similar opinion, emphasizing, “The coaches help the team by giving constructive feedback on dives, support when we need it, and by curating activities that help with goal settings and team bonding.” The coaches are essential members of the team who push their divers and swimmers to always pursue success.
The team members have a variety of experiences and an extremely tight and supportive bond when facing obstacles. Colman shared, “Diving is quite a mental sport with many mental obstacles and challenges, but the team handles these challenges through supporting one another.”
Li also shared a beloved tradition of the team that helps prepare them for meets: “We make note cards for people that are competing. We write on them, color them, and hand them out. It makes sure the swimmers know they’re gonna do great.”