Feature: Fall Crew


At Exeter, a large variety of different sports are offered to students in the fall, winter, and spring terms. Many of these sports are extremely competitive, matching up against top schools in the country for their respective sports. Along with these sports, there are less competitive club sports, where students can have fun, and play their favorite sports without the stress of competitions once or twice a week. Even though club sports can be less competitive, some are just as competitive as team varsity sports, competing and training at the same levels. One of these more advanced club team sports is the boys’ and girls’ club crew teams.

Club teams take loads of time out of their day and dedicate it to training and getting faster. 

When questioned about how the team has been training and how they look, lower Aslan Bilimer said, “During practice, we have been doing a mixture of water and land training, spending time on our technique while getting back into form. Many of the guys have been spending time on the ergs outside of scheduled crew times to improve speed and technique.” 

On a similar note for the girls’ team, Maya Henrichson added, “We have done a variety of different workouts, from all eight pieces on the water, to skulling, to erging, to running around the stadium.” Every member of both the girls’ and boys’ teams give it their all in practice every single day of the week in order to be able to compete at the best they can.

While training is important for a team to get better, the environment the team creates is even more important, affecting the athlete’s mood and idea of the sport. 

Upper Peter Roper said, “The team dynamic is solid - most people are friends with everyone else—a good chemistry”

Lower Kevin Thant echoed these sentiments. “Everyone really pushes each other and we push each other to work our hardest.” This is a trait essential for success and team culture.

Though training can be tiring at times, each athlete has their favorite memories and best times with the team. Roper said, “My favorite moment was in spring at NEIRAs, I won a gold medal.” 

Post-graduate Monte Wood recalled, “My favorite moment with the Exeter team, even though it’s only been a few weeks, would probably be the erg test we did recently where we all achieved personal bests.”

Thant added, “I think my favorite moment with the team was when everyone was doing the 5K together and we were all supporting each other afterward.” 

Even in the hardest moments for the team, the result that comes out from it and their incredible team spirit is a key factor that keeps them moving and progressing further.

Looking forward into the season, the team has a big competition coming up called the Head of the Charles Regatta. 

On their preparation, Roper said, “We’ve been trying several different lineups working on who to put in the boat and what arrangement to make it as fast as possible.”

For the girls’ team, upper Nora Unger said, “Our training schedule consists of two-hour practices everyday five days a week.” 

Both the boys’ and girls’ teams have one goal for this race—to win—and both teams are working as hard as they can to make that happen.

The boys and girls club crew teams at Exeter are showing strong dedication as they are preparing for the Head of the Charles race. With a demanding training schedule and a supportive team environment, these athletes are improving their skills while building friendships. Their commitment to both individual growth and teamwork is clear, and they are ready to give their best effort in the upcoming competition.

this race, and that is to win, and both teams are working as hard as they can to make that happen.

The boys and girls club crew teams at Exeter are showing strong dedication as they are preparing for the Head of the Charles race. With a demanding training schedule and a supportive team environment, these athletes are improving their skills while building friendships. Their commitment to both individual growth and teamwork is clear, and they are ready to give their best effort in the upcoming competition.


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