Fhockey Falls to Undefeated Andover

This past Saturday was the annual clash between Red and Blue, and all of the seniors went out with an intense Exeter/Andover game. Although Big Red’s varsity field hockey team fought until the very end, they ultimately fell short, ceding one goal to Big Blue and scoring none. Although Exeter lost to Andover’s skilled team, Exeter played one of their best games yet.

“We had possession and control over the momentum for the majority of the game. We all played really well against our toughest opponent, who has only had two goals scored on them the entire season. There were many goal opportunities for us, but unfortunately none of them were successful for us,” [Griffin] said.

Lower Ellie Griffin explained that Big Red was close to success. “We had possession and control over the momentum for the majority of the game. We all played really well against our toughest opponent, who has only had two goals scored on them the entire season. There were many goal opportunities for us, but unfortunately none of them were successful for us,” she said.

Senior Gracie Goodwin highlighted the outstanding play of senior Jane Collins. “Jane Collins played an amazing game and had some really great defensive saves, and overall our whole defensive line played super strongly along with our goalie to let them score only once.”

Senior Bella Hillman agreed with Goodwin. “Jane made an absolutely beautiful defensive save on a corner, and that helped us stay in the game and not let up a goal.”

Griffin commended uppers Leah Cohen and Sophia Rosati. “Sophia Rosati dribbled around so many Andover girls; she also had a lot of crosses that went right in front of the goal. Leah Cohen was also very strong on defense. She got the ball out of our defensive end so many times and prevented a lot of goals from Andover,” Griffin said.

Prep Molly Longfield applauded upper Jill Cloonan’s hard work during the game. “I thought that Jill played well because she was able to get open and move the ball forward when we were struggling to get offensive momentum.”

Although it was a loss for many, Saturday’s play was icing on the cake for an extremely successful season between a group of tightly knit teammates. It was Goodwin’s last game, and she was certainly proud of it. “Andover was undefeated this season and let only two goals in against them, so holding them to only a 1-0 lead was really impressive. Everyone on our team really came out and worked together and I think it was one of our best games this season.”

Looking back on the season, Hillman expressed her sadness to leave the team after its impact on her life for the past four years. “I will miss being with the team every day; we are really good friends and coming to practice every day knowing I would see my friends and have fun was always such a good feeling. Our dynamic as a team was really good and fun to be a part of since we were all super close with each other.”

Longfield agreed with Hillman. She also noted the sense of togetherness she discovered this season in her first year on the team. “The best part of the season was how we had good energy for the games and everyone was supporting each other on the field. I am going to miss the ‘family’ aspect of the team and how we were all really close.”

For Goodwin, it was the end of an era. She, like many of her teammates, will always carry the Exeter field hockey bond within her. “Everyone was so supportive of each other and we really hyped each other up; it was definitely the closest team I’ve been on since I’ve been at Exeter,” she said.


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