Mixed Reactions to Superbowl

On Sunday, Feb. 4, Academy students and faculty alike huddled around common room television sets to watch the Super Bowl LLI, where the Philadelphia Eagles defeated the New England Patriots, 41-33. Here are some student responses to the game:

Jacob Feigenberg, prep in awe: Honestly, no words can describe what this means to me, the Eagles or the city of Philadelphia. It’s just awesome.

Raymond Chen, self-described NBA analyst: It looks like the Pats didn’t pay the refs this year.

Allison Duke, distressed dance instructor: Tom Brady’s been winning with the Patriots since I was in high school. I guess the G.O.A.T. can’t win every game.

Francie Treadwell, a wicked big Pats fan: I’m blaming Justin Timberlake for the L. Didn’t hype us up enough.

Sam Chang, appreciative lower: It was a great way to bring our dorm closer because we all watched it together. The chirping was really funny.

Becca Nickerson, zealous Pat: There were times we should’ve played sharper. A few calls seemed like they should’ve been overturned, but generally when there’s a controversial call, the ruling on the field stands. I was definitely disappointed, but last year’s Super Bowl was the one that really mattered. We’ll get ‘em next year!

Serene DeSisso, avid supporter of all teams non-Pat: I guess God is real after all?

Christopher Roper, born and raised in the City of Champions: Tom Brady was Tom Brady. It wasn’t his fault. And it was impressive to see him throw for over 500 yards even though he’s 40.

Sara Kopunova, not a football fan: The halftime show was solid!

Billy O’Handley, surprised by Brady: As a Giants fan, I was personally rooting for the sport of football to be disbanded rather than the Pats or Eagles to win, but the game itself was fantastic. I could’ve sworn that Brady would somehow come back one way or another.

Anonymous and scared: I rooted for the Eagles. The rest of the day studs will crucify me.

Joseph Walewski, hopeful Pat: Well, as a New Englander, I sure am upset. But the great thing about supporting such a strong team is that I know we’ll have a shot next year.

Nosa Lawani, typical Exonian who doesn’t have time for this: Poor Justin Timberlake, outshadowed by HQ for the whole halftime. I watched the game in true Exonian fashion: in and out of Latin homework.

Jacob Hunter, when asked for quotes: What game?

Lauren Leatham, good sport: It was sad to see the Patriots weren’t playing at their best. I kept hoping for a comeback but near the end I could kind of tell it was over, which was too bad. The Eagles really brought it this game.

Justin Li, Timberlake fanatic: I was living for Justin Timberlake! He was so cool and it was just such a great show.

Maggie Smyth, regretful lower: I should not have made so many bets with people on the Pats winning. RIP.


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