Community Reacts to New Athletic Facility

On Saturday, January 27, students, faculty, alumni and other members of the Exeter community gathered for the first time in the brand new William Boyce Thompson Field House, known as “The Palace”.

“It was extremely well-planned…like a press conference especially when you walked in with the drop-down banner and everything. Just amazing."

Thoughts on the opening ceremony: Avery Clowes, a lower (aka fresh meat): “If I had to sum up the ceremony in three words, it’d be: Group intimidation tactics.”

Ursula Sze, a well-informed academic weapon: “I didn’t go to the opening ceremony. However, I saw snap stories of it and my dad got me a really cool scarf. Also funny story, in history class, I was insulting the Andover track and found out afterwards that my teacher was the Andover track coach. The essay that I hand in tomorrow is not going to get a good grade.”

Rylan Tuttle, still in awe: “It was extremely well-planned…like a press conference especially when you walked in with the drop-down banner and everything. Just amazing.”

Myra Collins, an avid supporter of Anna Clark and Coach Hillary Hall, crying on the inside: “I loved Anna Clark’s speech, it really brought in the home team. We all were crying… She was looking like an angel, talking like an angel, and wore all white because she could, like the angel she is.”

Thoughts on the Field House itself:

Lower Matthew Wabunoha, a track prodigy, is feeling the heat: “It’s hot. It’s very very hot. In fact, it’s the hottest thing I’ve seen since…since.”

Billy from Cilley (or is it O’Handley?), a four-year varsity drama sport enthusiast: “As a three season athlete, I’m just glad the Palace is finally being opened because of all the sports I play…I know the track kids call the field house the “Palace,” but I don’t really give too much thought to nicknames. I don’t really know too much about people or places having nicknames that follow them throughout their entire time at Exeter and define who they are.”

Avery Giles, needs a hug: “I tried to take a girl on a walk there and she said no.”

JD Jean-Jacques, a prep with an imagination: “They should have turf fields because the tennis courts, there are only four of them. Then we could play lacrosse, soccer, football, and lacrosse. Also there should be a pool. A pool with sharks!”

Osiris Russell-Delano, a prep without an imagination: “Why is it called a field house if there is no field? Show me the field. I think there should be a field in the field house.”

Lower Charlie Venci, has 20/20 vision with his swim goggles on: “When I walk to swim practice, I see this big building off into the distance and there’s people walking towards it. And I’m just like wow that’s cool, I don’t know what’s there.”

Nick Moore, a confused new lower: “Why isn’t called a court house if it only has courts? Why is it called indoor track and field if there is no field? It’s supposed to be track and field not track and tennis.”

Thoughts on how they are going to use the Field House:

Lower Jill Cloonan, an optimistic tri-varsity athlete: “The field house is definitely going to make our sports more legit. I don’t run much, but maybe now I will because it is gorgeous.”

Dylan Yin, an activist and seasoned varsity music sports athlete (aka a music-lete!): “My plans for the new field house is in three words is: Never. Be. There… The music building is actually planning to take all the instruments and all the music stands and put them in there [on the track] and put on a strike until they make a new music building.”

Hannah Grace Johnson, a wicked good softball player: “I plan to break some windows.”


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