Crew Shines at the Head of the Charles

On Sunday, 19 Exonians competed at the Head of the Charles (HOTC) Regatta in Boston, Massachusetts. In arguably the most competitive regatta in the world, the three Exeter boats all competed valiantly and ended the weekend with strong results. The men’s fours, women’s fours and the women’s eights finished in 8th, 22nd and 41st place in the youth division, respectively.

“It really is some of the most fun I’ve ever had in my life because I’m on a team with people who can challenge me and make me the best I can be.”

The Head of the Charles is an annual regatta held on its namesake river, the Charles River, which separates Boston and Cambridge, Massachusetts. It is the largest two-day regatta in the world with around 11,000 participants rowing in 1,900 boats in 61 different events. With collegiate, high school and club teams from various states and countries competing, the regatta brings the world’s best rowers together.

The members of Exeter’s HOTC team were able train throughout fall term through club crew. With multiple practices and weight sessions every week, the team was able to prepare for the regatta. Senior and co-captain Lucas Stevens explained that the boys group have been working hard all term. Senior and co-captain of the girl’s crew team Dara Okeremi added that the practices they’ve had in the past few weeks have allowed the team to improve their coordination on the water. “Watching us practice this fall season has given me so much hope because we’ve been practicing with each other and getting our dynamic together,” she said. “Chemistry is really important for all of us.”

Upper Maddy Potter described the support system that has emerged from their practices. “It really is some of the most fun I’ve ever had in my life because I’m on a team with people who can challenge me and make me the best I can be,” said Potter. Senior Chase Ryan-Embry explained how the friendships made on the team throughout the fall season have affected their team attitude.”If someone gets moved, we support each other the whole time,” said Ryan-Embry. “We all have a positive, ‘be better’ attitude.”

Many of the members of the team felt nervous for the upcoming race. “I feel a little nervous, but I think that it’s normal because it’s a huge regatta with a lot of people,” said Potter when asked how she felt. Okeremi agreed, but explained how the nervousness benefits her performance during the race. “Nervousness is actually nice because when you get onto the water, you turn that into adrenaline. That adrenaline really helps you go.” Upper Isadora Kron had different feelings from her teammates about the race. “I’m actually super excited because I’ve always wanted to race in a regatta and I never have so I’m super excited,” said Kron.

With the boys, Stevens described how he felt about the upcoming race. “I am nervous and excited for the upcoming race; it’s one of the largest rowing events in the world, and anybody who’s anybody is going to be there,” said Stevens. “It’s just a huge event, and we feel like a nobody, but we have a great chance to do well this year.” He described the goals they had for the race: “For each one of us, our goal is to go out and row as hard as we possibly can. If we do that, we’ll get results.” Senior Evan Saltman agreed with Stevens and explained that despite the nerves, he knew that they’d perform well.

The girls had very similar goals to the boys, but they wanted to do better than the previous year because of the unusual situation. “I think it’d be sick to have both of our boats to keep our bids,” said upper Ashleigh Lackey, explaining how it was the first year girl’s crew had sent two boats to the Head of the Charles. “If we could keep our bid and bring a four and an eight every year and set a precedent that would be awesome.” Okeremi agreed with this sentiment, describing her goals for Exeter girl’s crew as a whole. “I want this team to get stronger every year. When the seniors leave when we leave, I want next year’s team to beat us,” said Okeremi. “We’re going to keep chasing the tails of last year. We’re gonna set a precedent for everything.”

During the regatta, members of the team recognized the grand and tense atmosphere of the competition. Senior Jordan Hillyard explained that the prior to the race the environment was quite “nerve wracking” because of the sheer number of teams around them. However, Kalikman also recalled the support he received from friends and spectators. “It was really nice to see our friends from the rowing community, especially at the points on the course where the audience can be really close to the course,” he said. “At those points, you can really hear people cheering and yelling your name. It really gets you going and it’s a lot of fun.” Senior Francis Baviera Maloney agreed with Kalikman and added that the race was “outrageous fun.”

Upper Amelia Lee commented on witnessing first hand high level rowers competing at the regatta. “The Head of the Charles is the biggest regatta in America so there were a lot of inspirational rowers and crew teams from all around the world,” she elaborated. “It was a great exhibition and it was inspirational to watch a lot of big league rowers.”

After the race, both teams were happy with their results. “For the amount of time we practiced and practiced together we performed really well,” Lee said. She elaborated that it was difficult for the team to find sufficient time to train. Hillyard also commented on achieving one of the goals the team had. “Both boats requalified and that was the goal, I’d say it’s a success,” she said.

The boys team also reflected upon their success. Saltman said, “I was very happy that we placed top ten. I think we did better than I was expecting.” Kalikman also stressed that they beat out the ninth place finisher by a narrow margin, making their success even sweeter. “Afterwards when you look at the results, we were .2 seconds faster than the 9th place crew,” he explained. “It was really rewarding because everything we did paid off for the .2 seconds.”

Looking ahead to the spring, Lee expressed her optimism for a successful crew season. “The spring [term] is going to be fun because our team this year has such a brilliant dynamic and everyone is working together and learning off each other,” Lee exclaimed. Lackey attributed the close team environment to the leadership of the team. “I think that Our team atmosphere is rooted in our leadership. I’ve gotten to be pretty close with [the captains] this year, they seem more approachable and they seem like family,” she explained.

The boys team shared a similar outlook for the spring season. “I also think it’s great that as Exeter crew, we have a supportive team environment,” Kalikman said. “Seeing both the boys and girls crew team improving is really awesome.” Baviera Maloney expressed the optimism he has for the coming season based on the successful outcome at HOTC. “One thing I took away was placing trust into the crew going into the race. I was very confident with my teammates and them doing their job, but they really exceeded expectations,” he said. “Moving forwards, this makes the future spring season much better because I know that everyone can do their job excellently. Doing well in the Head of the Charles foreshadows a successful spring season.”

People to contact:

Coach Morris

Coach Leger

Will kalikman

Jacque von steuben

Lucas stevens

Francis baviera maloney

Evan saltman

Dara Okeremi,

Maddy Potter,

Olivia Petersen,

Chase Ryan,

Isadora Kron,

Ashleigh Lackey,

Christine Baker

Jordan Hillyard


Chase Ryan Embry Senior

“Im chase ryan embry im a senior and ive been rowing on the crew team since last year. I am on the four for the hotc and besides just general things like getting a lot of sleep, eating well, hydrating, We’re trying to pull the boat together this week, really become a whole, entire and be completely together. I was really nervous this week but not so much anymore

I feel that If you’re nervous about it, it’s just gonna go worse

I watched a lot of videos about the race

I feel like We’re all really good friends on the team. No one hates each other. It’s friendly competition, we really care. if someone gets moved, we support each other the whole time. We all have a positive, “be better” attitude.

She had us do this drill, and our rowing entirely change

Maddy Potter Upper

Im an upper also in the four. Ive been rowing for three or four years. As far as preparatio nfor the race, just getting Eight hours of sleep, hydrating constantly, just making sure im the fastest i can be on sunday, eating right. I feel like a little bit of nerves is normal because its a huge regatta with a lot of people and so many different boats, I know we’re good right now but when we get to the race course, we can pull it together even more because efore races generally, the people in our boat tend to pull it together a lot.

I think We can go faster than we think we can.

I’m a little nervous just because it’s just a huge race.

Just trying to get through the chaos of the day.

WHen we did a full 5k, it was a little rough but we learned a lot about our pacing and how were going to pace in the race, which would be really helpful.

It’s really nice to have a support system in that kind of friendship we all bond over, in our misery. It really is some of the most fun ive ever had in my life because I’m not a team with people who can challenge me and make me the best I can be.

Throughout this fall, a lot of us have got a lot longer. When we started out we were a lot shorter, how long you keep your blade in the water, how long that arc is. That makes the boat go faster. I feel like we improve not only our physical strength but we also get mentally tougher and techincally better everyday.

I feel like throughout the fall, we have all gotten longer on the water. When we started out, we were a lot shorter than we are now. The longer you keep your blade in the water, the longer you are, which makes you go faster in the water. We’ve been getting stronger and stronger everyday. I feel like we improve not only our physical strength, but we get technically better to.

Ashleigh lackey upper

Im ashleigh im an upper, on the eight. This is only my second season rowing. For preparation, i think its been really nice tobe able to practice with our line up for the past week. It’s nice because we’re getting really comfortable with each. We’ve had a lot of time to learn how to work together better and getting in sync. I’m definitely notice because ive never rowed a 5k on the water, only done them on ergs

I think that Our team atmosphere is rooted in our leadership. I’ve gotten to be pretty close with [captains] this year, they seem more approachable and they seem like family

We have a snapchat groupchat, we hype each other up on the chat.

After going to florida, worlds, we had a meeting with coach morris and we told her all about the stuff we did in florida, and the drills we learned. We started doing a lot more of these drills. Morris has also brought out these new drills that we do and none of us have seen.

Everyday we’re getting better.

It’s new that we get to take a four and a eight to hotc. Our eight is a pretty lightweight eight. It’s different from a lot of the eights that coach morris had coached in the past. We’ve been able to take out these lightweight boats, we’re still so strong but so compact.

I think it’d be sick to have both of our boats to keep our bids. If we could keep our bid and bring a four and an eight every year and set a precedent that would be 10/10, it would be awesome.


Im dara, im a three year senior. Since lower spring. Captain but she tends to forget that

im in the four for the hotc. Im very excited for this race because i know that each an everyoone of us on each of our boats. I have complete faith on all of us because we are so strong mentally, physically, and emotionally.

Watching us practice this fall season, it has Given me so much hope, because we are all so amazing and we are all going to do super well. Because we’ve been practicing with each other and getting our dynamic together. Chemistry is really important for all of us.

I’m so excited and Im a little nervous. Nervousness is actually nice because when you get onto the water, you turn that into adrenaline. That adrenaline really helps you go.

We practice on wedendsay asnd starudays optionally and we call it “Weights with friends”, we go to the gym and have a good time working out, getting stronger. We’re just having a good time working out. We also did a 5k on the ergo and had a nice bonding session talking about what was good about the 5k. We really got to know each other better on the team

Everyone has a positive attitude, “I can get better”. We push each other to get faster.

Another goal we think we had was to do better than the crew last year. NO shade or beef. I want this team to get stronger every year. When the seniors leave when we leave, I want next year’s team to beat us. We’re going to keep chasing the tails of last year.

We’re gonna set a precedent for everything.


Three year upper, rowing since eighth grade. I’m in the eight for the hotc. Im super excited because ive always wanted to race in a regatta and i have never raced in a regatta, i never have so i’m super excited. I’m really excied because I really like everyone on the eight, I think that this year in particular the entire team has really good chemistry. The eight and the four rows really well together, and I know going into the race I know everyone will row their hardest. I’m not worried about that. I’ve been focusing on keeping a positive attitude towards it, not suppressing any nervousness. I think it’s going to be really fun.

We’ve all been spending a lot of time getting to know each other

We had done a lot of long and slow steady states on the water, long and strong. Monday distance days as coach says. So we do long pieces on some days, Some days we do short and fast work as well. We prepared for the long parts of the 5k as well as prepared to sprint at the end as well. A good chunk of us have done an on water 5k so we’re ready for that.

Our coxswains are really prepared to steer for the hotc because our river is very twisty, and I think our coxswains will be really ready to steer for the hotc.

I think our goal for the four and the eight is to qualify for next year. We have to place in the top half in our category to qualify, and I think that’s our goal.


I am nervous and excited for the upcoming race. Well it’s one of the largest rowing events in the world, and anybody whos anybody is going to be there. It’s just a huge event, and we fell like a nobody, but we have a great chance to do well this year. We’re really fast this year.

I’m excited because it’s one of the biggest rowing events in the world. There’s supposed to be 1100 some boats in the competition.

We’ve been training all fall. We just work our asses off everyday. We’re not really like the girls, we dont have bonding sessions, but we eat a lot.

For each one of us, our goal is to go out and row as hard as we possibly can. If we do that, we’ll get results. Thats kind of the essence of crew.


Amelia Lee

There were around 85 entries for the eights category. We were seeded 59th and we ended up 41st which means we qualified to row there again next year. Just being there wasa full adrenaline rush. It was really painful, and for a long time we were chasing this one boat in front of us. We spent a lot of time together as a full team. And we really learned a lot from each other.

The HOTC is the biggest regatta in America so there were a lot of inspirational rowers and crew teams from all around the world. It was a great exhibition and it was inspirational to watch a lot of big league rowers.

It was hard for crew being a club sport to give us adequate training for Head of the Charles. I think everyone wants to do well because the Charles is such a big regatta and it’s really important for us rowers. So for the amount of time we practiced and practiced together we performed really well.

The spring [term] is going to be fun because our team this year has such a brilliant dynamic and everyone is working together and learning off each other. It’s something that’s gonna make Spring season really exciting.


We pulled pretty well, both boats requalified so that was the goal, i’d say it’s a success.

It was kind of terrifying, just because there were a lot of people there and at the beginning of the race, all of the boats had to line up and then you go every ten seconds. It’s really nerveracking to get all the way down there and have to wait like fifteen minutes to actually start racing. The length is a challenge. We’re so supportive.


I thought it was really fun because I knew a lot of people that were there from summer camps. I got to see a lot of friends. There was one part of the race when we were passing a boat and I think having that boat there to challenge us was very helpful.

Lucas senior

We’re going to get swole.

I don’t remember anything.

Will upper

We finished eigth out of 86 crews that race in our event.

We got off the water, and we were pretty happy with the race, evan did a fantastic job with the turns and stuff, and we had pretty high expectations as we got off the water, and our coach told us that we had finished in the top ten.

I took away a couple things, one that evan saltman is a fantastic coxwain both in his course steering and the calls he made, and made a long race feel a lot shorter. Afterwards when you look at the resuts, we were .2 seconds faster than the 9th place crew, it was really rewarding because everything we did paid off for the .2 seconds.

In terms of improvement, we have to increase our watt output. We have to farm some watts, increase the yields of those watts. In the training plan we have in the winter from coach leger, we are trying to get really thick and put on a lot of weight.

It was really nice to see our friends from the rowing community, especially at the points on the course where the audeience can be really close to the course. At those points, you can really hear people cheering and yelling your name. It really gets you going and its a lot of fun.

I also think its great that as exeter crew we have a supportive team environmnt. Seeing both the boys and girls crew team improving is really awesome, and i think that its really nice to know that there are people out there who will cheer for us.

Francis senior

We wanted to break top ten, and we broke top ten. Seems liek a pretty great day to me.

It was outrageous fun, the whole thing. Just a couple guys, a couple boats, yeah we tok out the boat with a couple guys, a couple oars, just outrageous fun. When we got off the water, medaling is top five, and we were pretty close to getting a medal, and that was a bit dissapointing, but we did uor best, and I have no regrets.

One thing I took away was placing trust into the crew going into the race. I was very confident with my teamates and them doing their job, but they really exceeded expectations. Moving forwards, this makes the future spring season much better because I know that everyone can do their job excellently. Doing well in the hotc foreshadows a successful spring season.

The first half of winter will be a lot of strength training, once we get into the spring, we’ll do al ot more anaerobic threshold training, high intesnsity cardio, getting the boys fit, unfortunately because of the whole opting fiasco we cant request gh, but we have it under control. We’ll just have to work ut together wednesdays saturdays and sundays, on the other school days, well just have to work out in smaller groups.

A lot of crowds cheering for the big red. The crews ahead of us were british crews, so under weeks bridge, the whole american crowd was cherring for us and it was great. Evan pulled a great turn and then we pulled ahead of st pauls. Hearing all the support was prettty great, we all have a lot of friends in the rowing world, seeing all our old friends from rowing was also a good time.

Evan senior

While we may be a little nervous, we know that we will go and row our best.

lots of practice off and on the water. I went down to the Charles last week to get a tour of the course, so i would know where to steer.

pass some boats and have fun

I was very happy that we placed top ten, it was def a new experience for me. Just happy it turned out well. I think we did better than i was expecting. I’m happy that i was able to row to steer a very tight course, and we rowed very well.

Outrageous fun. For me at least, i’ve only been in races that are side by side, and it’s very hecting and its very crowded.



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