Volleyball Hopes to Reclaim its Throne

At the end of every practice, Exeter’s varsity girls’ volleyball team circles up in a ring of flushed faces and disheveled ponytails, and cheers “Get better!” Even with multiple New England championship titles under its belt, getting better is just what Big Red’s volleyball team is doing as it prepares for its 2017-18 season.

The team has been priming its technique and developing reciprocity even before the start of school; at a five-day prep camp in Maine, where the girls practiced twice a day and participated in team bonding activities like scavenger hunts and goal-setting sessions; and during three days of preseason, where they drilled fundamental skills like passing, setting, hitting and blocking. The team also simulated competition strategy by playing “fours,”  a controlled version of a scrimmage.

Many players felt that prep camp and preseason bolstered their team’s camaraderie.“Preseason was the perfect way to start off the season,” upper Sophie Faliero said. “It allowed for the team to grow closer than it’s been in past years and generally helped lift the dynamic of the team.”

Upper Tara Weil agreed, saying that the team came out of the vigorous program “stronger than it was going into it.”

With thirteen veteran varsity players, a majority of this year’s team has had at least one year of experience training and competing together. Weil believes the seasoned veterans’ know-how combined with the new, younger players’ potential will lead to a “super” season.

“We are very strong because of the returning players,” she said. “And the new people are super quick learners. They are getting into the groove of the team, how we work, really well.”

Prep Brody Faliero commended seniors and captains Margaret Kraus and Charlotte Polk for their leadership on the court thus far. “Our captains are so positive,” she said. “Charlotte is always screaming her voice out and Margaret pulls me aside to tell me I’m doing a great job.”

“It’s rewarding to see girls coming into practice focused and determined to do the best they can. When we reach peak energy, we are unstoppable,” said Kraus. “There’s a lot of talent on the team this year, so we want to build good habits and relationships from the beginning to harness everything each girl has to offer.”

As for the team’s goals for the season, the girls have their hopes set on another New England championship. In order to accomplish this, they are each focusing on developing individual dexterity, but more importantly, fostering group chemistry for a cohesive and coordinated system during games.

“We are working on being the strongest team on the court, rather than talented players that happen to be together,” said Weil. “I’m really excited for the season and I hope everyone else is, too.”


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