Cycling Team Optimistic for a Successful Season

Following a strong 2016 season, Big Red Cycling is training hard and looking forward to reclaiming its New England Championship title.

While Exeter cycling is a relatively new team, this year an unusually high number of cyclists have returned in addition to new riders joining for their first year. Upper Sarah Shepley, returning to the team after her first season as a cyclist, was excited about the team’s growing numbers. “The girls’ team, which is usually pretty small, is a lot bigger this year,” she said. “We have five returners and four new girls. Everyone is looking really strong so far.”

Senior and co-captain Josh Hemintakoon agreed with Shepley’s sentiments, saying, “We have a lot of returners and the new additions have been looking quite strong in practice already,” he said. Coach Don Mills agreed, noting the higher amount of cyclists returning to the team as compared to previous years. “We have a well rounded squad overall,” he said. “We have a little more depth compared to previous seasons.”

“I think an aspect that makes the team so unique is that we are one of the few co-ed teams on campus.”

Despite the divide between experienced cyclists and relative newcomers, Shepley described the team dynamic as close. “Last year, as a new rider, the cycling team was so supportive and welcoming to me and all the other new riders,” she said. While Shepley credited much of the open and encouraging atmosphere to the previous team captains, she has no doubt that the new team leaders will continue it. “Audrey Hahn, who is the only senior girl this year, has really stepped up as an unofficial captain for the girls’ team,” said Shepley, “She’s always so bubbly and motivating; she really embodies the cycling team spirit.” Shepley believed that much of the harmonious team dynamic stems from the inclusion of both boys and girls on the same team. “I think an aspect that makes the team so unique is that we are one of the few co-ed teams on campus,” she said, “Being co-ed really blocks the negative energy and inter-competitiveness that some single gender sports teams can have.”

Lower Meredith Goyette mentioned that she was most excited about being reunited with her team from last season. “I’m really looking forward just to the races and team bonding this year,” she said. “Last year, the team was pretty close and had a great time together, so I’m hoping this year will be the same.” Coach Mills felt it was too early in the season to really understand the team dynamic, especially in relation to previous years. “Every team is different from year to year,” he said. “The personality of this squad has yet to be established.”

Hemintakoon noted his concerns about the dangerous nature of the sport. “For our team to perform well, we all need to stay healthy and out of crashes, which is easier said than done,” he said.

After falling to the Profile School in the New England Championships and placing second overall, Big Red cycling has every intention of reclaiming its title as champs. “I think our biggest challenge this year is going to be beating out Profile,” said Shepley.

“We all were kind of bummed that we didn’t defend our New England Champions title last year, but we are working hard and determined to race for first place this year.” Hemintakoon agreed. “With the right amount of training and heart,” he said, “we could improve upon last year’s second place team finish and bring home the title.” 

The team’s first race will be at Andover for the Proctor Circuit against many different teams. Last year, Exeter placed two cyclists in the boys A race and two more people in the girls A race. The team hopes to repeat its success from last season.


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