Boys’ Hockey Takes Down Defensive St. Paul’s

Last Saturday, the boys’ varsity hockey team defeated St. Paul’s School at an away game. Big Red triumphed over its opponent in a crushing 5-2 win, raising its season record to 10-4.

Senior and co-captain Colin Shapiro scored one of the five goals, and his brother, senior Greg Shapiro, scored another of the goals. The other three goals were scored by senior Ryan Moore, upper Kyle Jadatz and lower Paddy Bogart.

In the first period, the team struggled to assert themselves over their opponent. Exeter only had four shots on goal and were not given the opportunity to score. Senior Nick Moore emphasized the difficulty of overcoming the team because of their athletic ability. “St. Paul’s was a really good defensive team, so scoring the first goal was important,” Moore said. Lower Michael Pitts echoed this sentiment, saying that the first goal was “a real turning point.” He explained this as crucial moment to improve team spirit. “Everybody was fired up,” said Pitts. 

Exeter gained momentum and confidence following that first goal. “Things picked up in the second period as the bus legs started to wring out,” Pitts said. According to Pitts, St. Paul’s was not an easy team to defeat, stating that they were worthy opponents. “The game was tight,” Pitts said. “St. Paul’s played hard and leveled us with hits.” However, the Phillips Exeter Academy team was able to pull ahead for a win.

Lower Gray Betts commented on the ability of each member to come together and cohesively use their strenght. “There was an all around great team effort,” said Betts.

Big Red intends to maintain a high morale, and to get another regular season win against its rival.

The team’s strong defense greatly contributed to their success. Exeter’s goalie, prep Ryan Welch, had “an amazing game,” according to Pitts. “He helped the team out many times,” Pitts elaborated. Senior and co-captain Graham Rutledge also helped save a goal, hitting the puck out of the air on the goal line. At this point during the game, the score was very close. According to Nick Moore, this play was vital moment for Exeter’s win. Betts recalled two more decisive diving blocks by Ryan Moore in the first period, calling Moore the player with the “most team spirit.”

Another team member who helped improve the team’s chemistry was Jadatz. Pitt described Jadatz’s goal as another moment to inspire the team. “When the game was 3-2, Kyle scored a great goal,” Pitts said. “It got the guys fired up.” Bogart scored an important goal as well. The opposing team took their goalie out of the net in order to make sure there was an additional player on the ice, and Bogart scored into the empty net.

Although Big Red had a number of impressive plays, Betts thought that senior Matthew McShea had the best play of the game—a backhanded pass to Ryan Moore to score a goal.

Pitts also credited the team’s success to St. Paul’s fan section, saying, “as the game went on the fan section grew larger, so we wanted to win in front of all of their students that came to watch.”

Next Saturday, the boys’ hockey team will first face Governor’s Academy, and then play rival Phillips Andover. Big Red intends to maintain a high morale, and to get another regular season win against its rival.


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