Boys’ Swimming Defeats NMH by a Whopping 59 Points

This Saturday, boys’ varsity swimming crushed Northfield Mount Hermon (NMH) with a whopping score of 110-51.

The victory was an easy one for Big Red, as the team grabbed hold of the top three spots in almost every single event, not leaving much leeway for NMH to come back in the end.

Though it was a long drive over, much excitement filled NMH’s pool atmosphere. Teammates from both teams were constantly standing at the ends of the lanes cheering, while others gathered in clusters around the block, their encouragements echoing throughout the pool. NMH lived up to their spirited reputation, their high energy compensating for their small pool.

“The whole meet was just hyped with so much energy and we put that all into our races,” senior Ernesto Brown said.

“The whole meet was just hyped with so much energy and we put that all into our races.”

This meet came with little pressure and a lot of fun, keeping the swimmers at ease. There were many memorable instances throughout the course of the meet. “In the 400 relay, everyone hit the dab off of his start,” lower Taylor Walshe said.

Many lowerclassmen performed well, continuously placing in the top three of their races. Prep Peter Tuchler, a new member to the team, won the 500 free by over 25 yards.

Lower Brian Rhee also placed first in the 100 back. Moreover, despite his goggles falling off while diving off the block, Walshe still managed to grasp second in the 100 free.

The boys team bonded through the relays, as there were three teams per event.

“The relays were probably the most special part of the lineup last weekend,” captain and senior Graham Hazlett said. “Coach Mills balanced them out so that we could maximize the amount of points we could score against NMH.”

None of the swimmers swam their usual “main” events, as coach Don Mills changed the meet lineup to give the boys a chance to try other events in this low-key meet.

Upper Andrew Bennett explained the situation. “The lineup for the meet was not our star lineup whatsoever. We had the underclassmen do all the heavy lifting while letting the upperclassmen do the easier events,” he said.

Senior Thomas Gallup added, “It was refreshing to switch the line up around a bit.”

With another win tucked up the swim team’s belt, Big Red’s record stands at 3-4-0. Next week, the boys will compete in two more meets against Berwick Academy on Wednesday followed by Loomis Chaffee on Saturday.


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