Boys' Cross Country Looks to Win Fourth Consecutive Title

After three triumphant seasons in a row as New England Champions, boys’ cross country is gearing up this fall to dominate the competition and lead themselves to a championship once again. Even though some key runners graduated last spring, many talented new Exonians will be joining the squad, and all team members have been working tirelessly over the summer so that they can start the new season off strong.

“This season is looking very promising. Everybody has been training hard over the summer and stepping up to the plate,” senior Quincy Tichenor said. “A lot of varsity runners graduated last year and it looks like there are a lot of people stepping up to fill that gap. Our strength as a team has always been our depth and this year we'll definitely use that to our advantage.”

Senior Kenny Berger had a similar outlook on the upcoming term of competition. 

“Coming into the fall, the team is ready to continue our long record of success,” Berger said. “The team trains all summer, building up our weekly mileage to make sure we start the season on top of our competitors. Being three-time back-to-back interschols champions puts a little stress on the guys, but I'm more than confident that the team can handle it.”

If Big Red can manage to win yet another championship, it would be their fourth title in a row, a NEPSTA record. However, with their 2014 schedule, Exeter will have few easy races. The team begins right away, with an away competition at Choate, followed by various difficult matchups, like the Northfield Mount Hermon Invitational and the Mayor’s Cup in Boston. 

“We are bringing in two notable talents for the year: Ryan Betz will be a PG from Indianapolis,” senior Holden Hammontree said. “He has more than solid track times, as well as cross country experience. Cam Corso will be a new lower with a lot of talent and will fare well with more experience.”

Hammontree continued, noting the possibility for even more accomplished athletes to distinguish themselves this year. “The prep class this year is large and surely someone will pop out of the woodwork as 2018's lieutenant of the road,” he said. “As far as who that is, however, we'll just have to wait and see.”

Until then, Big Red will be sticking to what they do best: “Stuff in the woods that makes us go faster, and keeping our eyes on the prize,” Tichenor said. 

“I am convinced this team will be one of the best ever. Yes, even better than 2013 and maybe 2012 too,” Hammontree said. “There are certainly a lot of unknowns. The team's work this summer just did not rival the summers by proceeding teams, but our talent is, in my opinion, unprecedented.”


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