Girls’ Swimming Looking Foward to Another Incredible Season

This past season, Exeter girls’ swimming performed excellently, with numerous wins and a strong performance at E/A, proving victorious against Andover. While Big Red suffered a tough loss at Interschols, the athletes still had a fantastic season, and one that they should most definitely be proud of.

With a final season record of five wins and one loss, the girls’ team has improved significantly from past years, and hopefully will continue to do the same next year. The seniors on the team, in particular, had a great final season, and provided many of the points necessary for the girls to gather all of their wins. 

“Our seniors were consistently some of our better swimmers in distance, sprint and the IM events,” lower Caroline del Real said. “Next year we only have three people graduating so we should be able to do just as well, if not better in our championship meet and I’m excited to have our two new captains lead us.” Del Real also went on to mention the great abilities of some of the newer swimmers on the team. “All of the preps really outdid themselves this year,” she said.

There were many of new, strong preps on the team who helped Big Red reach new heights, and who gained valuable learning experience in the process. “I was a new swimmer on the team this year,” prep Emily LaRovere said, “and I really enjoyed being able to follow the example set by some of the older swimmers on the team. Even in practice, it was helpful when they would give me a quick tip on my form, or a word about my start. I think that it was really great to be able to be on the team with them.” 

Upper Janet Chen supported LaRovere’s sentiment. “There was so much new talent on the team this year and it was great to watch all the new girls improve over the course of the season,” Chen said of the new swimmers on the team. “Next year, we'll miss the seniors very much, but we're excited to keep training and improving with many of the girls who were on the team this year.” Hopefully, the girls on the squad will continue to improve, and with the aid of the upperclassmen, will make the team stronger because of it. 

The Exeter girls’ swim team has always had a reputation of being tight-knit, and this year was no different. “NEGS [New England Girls Swimming] mostly remains the same from year to year—the team is always very tight-knit and hardworking,” Chen said. “At home, swimming is largely an individual sport, but the team here at Exeter really feels like a team. We are very supportive of and bring out the best in each other.”

“It was great coming into this environment where everyone is really supportive and encouraging,” LaRovere said. “Especially as a new swimmer and a new student, not only did it give me a good environment to compete in, it also provided me with a whole new group of friends that I wouldn’t have met otherwise.”

Swimming provided many of the girls on the squad with a time to have fun and compete with their teammates. “I love everything about swimming, from the tough workouts, to the awesome teammates, to the team Las O trips,” prep Christine Hu said. “I don't think there's anything like training your butt off for a whole term and then anchoring a relay at a championship meet. Swimming creates these types of moments that you'll remember for a lifetime.”

Hu also used swimming to improve her everyday life, and to bring her spirits up during the cold months of winter term. “Just going to the practices and meets everyday was probably the highlight of my winter term, and I'm sure most other girls on the team feel the same way."

The girls had several great meets this season, and consistently out-swam the competition. “We had several spectacular dual meets this season. Winning our E/A for the first time in 4 years was definitely a highlight,” Chen said. 

“I’m really happy with our season,” upper Michelle Ysrael said. “I think that this has been one of our better records, and I think that if we continue to train hard going into next winter season, we will definitely be able to return to the level that we’re at, if not improve on that. I’m optimistic about our future seasons.” 

Ysrael is not alone in her confidence. “I'm already looking forward to the next swim season and swimming with the whole team again,” Hu said. “I think Janet Chen and Dana Yu will make amazing captains, so I'm looking forward to swimming under their leadership.”

While all the girls had great seasons, senior Hope Logan had a particularly impressive run this past term. “Hope Logan, our MVP, had a great season. She worked hard in practice and consistently led the lanes. In meets, we could always count on Hope to perform.” Chen said of her teammate. “Hope Logan had an incredible season and was consistently a top scorer for the team. She was also a great role model and supporter of all the swimmers, and the whole team really enjoyed her presence.”

Hu went on to add her appreciation of the efforts of captains Corinne Noonan and Diane Lee. 

“The captains also had very successful seasons. They were extremely supportive captains and did an awesome job leading the team and guiding the younger swimmers."


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