Distance Team Leads Exeter Track and Field to Victory

Even with the howling winds and the unexpected cold and unfamiliar terrain of Andover, Exeter track and field demolished all opponents in their meet on Saturday. The event featured the Academy, Andover, Governor’s, Groton and Thayer, and since so many schools were present, only three members of each team were allowed in every event, but that did not stop Big Red from wielding their power and placing in every event.

“Our team did well all around and won by 80 points. We had a sweep in both the 800 and the 3000 meter events,” upper Warren Charleston said. “We just need to keep doing what we are doing and stay focused, because we have people getting personal records in every meet which is a good sign.”

 Upper Holden Hammontree shared a similar opinion. “The meet was fantastic. We are really coming together as a team, and therefore we have a number of guys who are improving,” he said. “Our team is very much getting pulled by the uppers, especially in sprints and distance, so the team is starting to look more and more young, which is great for our future seasons.”

 Senior TJ Hodges added, “Exeter did super well, especially the distance team which swept in every event except for the second place spot in the 1500 meter race, which was held by an Andover runner.”

 Indeed, although the throwers and sprinters are superb, it seems Big Red’s distance squad may lead the team this season.

 “We owned the distance events,” Hammontree said. “The 800 meter race was telling, because it was me, John Kennealy and Randal Hernandez in the top three. It was a testament to how strong our distance runners were in this point compared to other schools.”

 Although the season looks spectacular moving forward, as any good team should, the team noted some areas with room for improvement, particularly the team’s group dynamic.

 “One of hardest things about track is that there are so many different people and kinds of athletes, so it will never be a homogenous group that other sports have. The team is starting to come together into one team—distance, throwers, jumpers and sprinters, becoming Exeter track and field,” Hammontree said. “At the end of the day that is best way for a Big Red to get motivated and win. It can have an individualistic feel, but truly it is a team sport.”

As Exeter track and field gradually grows closer to the end of their season, their showings will be boosted further and further, making them the favorites for the New England Championships.

"The team has had a great start to the season with some dominant victories, and there have been a lot of personal records broken at each meet, so we are still improving,” upper Talla Babou said. “After last year's win at Interschols, we all know what our expectations are, but we still have to keep working hard so we can have just as great of a finish to the season.”

 Exeter faces Exeter High School, a known formidable opponent, on Saturday, and heads against the strong Northfield Mount Hermon following that. Until then, the team is training hard and getting ready to win New England’s.

Hammontree said, “Boys are becoming men, girls are becoming women. Everybody is finding their place on the team and are growing into champions.”


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