Girls’ Swimming Defeats Andover, First in Four Years

EXETER – The girls’ varsity swim team hosted Andover on Saturday to compete in this term’s Exeter/Andover meet this Saturday. After a great season, the girls went into the meet with an abundance of confidence and a drive to win. Their determination paid off, and the girls stole the win.Thus far, the girls have had a tremendous season, chock-full of wins, best times and personal records. The entire team has swum outstandingly and are happy to have this win under their belts before they head to Interschols at Deerfield.“Our next and final meet is Interschols, and we are so pumped,” upper Michelle Ysrael said. “This week will be our peak week, and our last chance to train and get stronger, until we start tapering.”The girls entered the meet with enthusiasm and confidence, and the outcome of the meet was still a surprise to some swimmers.“I have to admit, it was kind of unexpected,” Ysrael said. “Andover has always had a few few fast girls and they usually earn their points with higher places. But this meet, we were able to match them by taking second and third place, and occasionally first.”Prep Emily LaRovere agreed with Ysrael’s sentiment. “We went in very enthusiastic, but we weren’t totally sure what the outcome was going to be. We all had incredible swims throughout the whole meet, though. Andover had a few tough swimmers but it was an amazing victory for us.”While all of the girls swam skillfully, there were a few who stood out. Senior Hope Logan performed her 200 freestyle very well, almost out-touching the Andover challenger, and set a personal record for a sub two-minute race.Captain Diane Lee also swam a personal best in the 500 freestyle race. “Tan Nazer also took fourth, so that we placed first, second, and fourth in the 500- which was a great outcome for the team.” Ysrael said.This win was not only an important victory for the girls, but a landmark moment for the girls swimming program at the Academy. “We haven't won E/A since any of us have been here. They are one of the better teams we swam against and I think that this is the perfect note to end the season on,” lower Caroline del Real said of the win against Andover.“This was our first time winning E/A in 4 years, so I'm very happy I got to experience that.” Ysrael added.This meet was a great opportunity for the girls to continue their preparation for Interschols, and it served as a final good note to end their season on. The girls are still enthusiastic about their victory, and hope to do just as well at Interschols next week.


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