Veterans, Team Dynamic Lead Field Hockey

Record: 9-5-3 Girls’ varsity field hockey had a strong seasonthis year, adapting quickly to the culture of Moxie.The team finished with a record of 9-5-3. The team included both new players and coaches.“Moxie was the first team that I coached at Exeter, soeverything was a first,” assistant coach Keslie Tomlinsonsaid. “I am most proud of the team for trustingtwo new coaches and believing in their ability eventhrough the tough times.” “Moxie was a great introduction to Exeter,” prepKirsten Nergaard said. “I automatically bonded withthe welcoming and extraordinary girls. I embraced theever present team spirit and worked hard to contributeto the existing talent.” Tomlinson believes that team bonding was essentialto its success. “We had our ups and down, butthe highlight of the season was to see the girls growtogether and have an overall successful season,” shesaid. “The girls had a fantastic team dynamic this year.You could see it both on and off the field.” Prep Bronwyn Shields praised the older playersfor fostering this welcoming environment. “Everyonedid a really good job.” she said. The returningplayers were super accepting of new players. Thecaptains were all extremely supportive and greatleaders throughout the entire season. Everyone wasreally close, and that's what allowed us to play sowell as a team.” These elders kept some of the best Moxie traditionsalive, such as giving out cans of Moxie sodaat the beginning of the year to all the new athletesof the team. They also led the candlelight ceremonybefore E/a, where the girls take time to reflect ontheir season together. Thanks to a combination of individual players’skill and a great team dynamic, Moxie came out ofthe gates ready to play. “We had a really strong teamthis year, with solid players all the way from prepsto PGs,” lower Michaela Morris said. Morris listed senior Veronica Scott, uppers HannahWellington and Helen Hultin and lower MarleyJenkins as some of the stand out performers. Wellingtonespecially carried the team, serving as a cocaptainas an upper this year. Upper Samantha Attar also cited senior co-captainGabii Wozniak as a major contributor. "I can't thinkof a game that Gabii didn't give it her all,” Attar said.“Her intensity is absolutely amazing and I was alwaysso comfortable with her guarding the back field. She isan inspiration to watch and I know she will be dearlymissed next year.” The highlight of the girls’ season was theirgame against Hotchkiss School, a program that hasdominated New England field hockey for ten years.After finishing the second half tied 1-1, the teamsdecided to take the game into overtime. Though theylost 1-2 in this extra period, the team was proud ofits performance in this game. “The girls poured their hearts out against thereigning ten-time New England Champions,” Tomlinsonsaid. “We walked off the field with our headsheld high and a great sense of accomplishment. Wehad raised the bar for ourselves.” Shields agreed that the game was rather magical.“It was probably the most intense game of theseason, and, even though we lost in overtime, it wasthe most memorable game of the season,” Shieldssaid. “Everyone played unbelievably well and reallystepped it up. Whether on the sidelines or on the field,everyone was really proud of the game.” Morris called special attention to the efforts ofNergaard in this contest. “One of the most outstandingperformances was Kirsten’s goal in this game. Shescored off a great breakaway,” Morris said. Overall, the girls were satisfied with the outcomeof their season and the team. “I was really proud ofour team this year,” Morris said. “We faced a lot ofchallenges, both personal and athletic, and everyonereally stuck together and faced the challenges as aunited front.” With a strong squad coming back next year, BigRed is looking to improve upon some of the aspects.“One thing I wish I could have changed about thisseason were the last few games at the end of theseason,” Morris said. “Towards the end of the season,our teamwork started to unravel a little and wedid not play up to our full potential. However, I amlooking forward to next season to see how everyonedevelops, and I would love to see Moxie make it intopostseason play.” Attar is also excited for the coming year. “Wehave a lot of great talent on the team and I think weare all ready to work hard and push ourselves as athletesto competing at an even higher level,” she said. “I am proud to be on a team with girls that workhard and never give up. It was a rewarding season,”Nergaard agreed. “With fewer injuries, I think wewill be stronger next fall.”


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