Track Remains Undefeated After Victory Against EHS

Big Red track took on Exeter High School in a phenomenal meet last Saturday. Many people broke personal records, as well as school records.Competition kept everyone on their toes. "I wouldn't say we were nervous, but we always expect some really good athletes from Exeter High School," lower Amanda Zhou said.Lower Michaela Morris agreed. "EHS is always a tough competitor and I think we all really wanted to rise to the challenge," she said.Senior Sultan White and upper Luke Gray did well in the hurdles, and senior Ben Mountain in the discus. The team also saw the season’s best boy's 4x100m relay, with Yang, White, lower Mason Polk, and upper Darius Scott.In the boy’s 3K race, Big Red swept, with upper Tyler Courville, senior Kieran Scannell, and upper Sam Gray taking first, second, and third, respectively. Courville came in with an incredibly fast time of 8:55, which was 30 seconds less than his previous time and only 7 seconds from the school record.Upper Thomas Clark, who swept the 1500m race with lowers Holden Hammontree and Max Larnerd, said, "I personally have never seen anyone run a sub-9:00 3k, and for it to be one of my teammates was one of the most amazing experiences of the season."The girls also had their share of personal and Hall of Fame records. Senior Veronica Scott got into the Hall of Fame by breaking 60 seconds in the 400m, clocking 58.5 seconds.Baker also broke a school record in the 100m hurdles. "I was really happy to break that 100m record," she said. "I have had my eye on that for a long time now. I just want to see how much faster I can get it before I graduate."Another highlight for both the boys and the girls was the 4x100m relays, where both teams took a victory. "It got everyone really pumped up for the rest of the meet," Morris said. "It was great for team morale."Yang agreed. "This is the point in the season where the weather is ideal and the hard work that we have been putting in during our endurance and speed days are finally producing results," she said.Throughout the meet, team spirit remained high. "One high point in particular was when we ran up to the inside of the track to cheer on the 400m runners," prep Peace Kabari said. "There’s a level of respect for that long sprint, and having teammates cheer for you helps you to keep pushing."Prep Jacob Pressman added, "The team is super close, and we all function as a unit. It's my first year on the team, and I love the attitude. [We are] focused in the warm-up, supportive during the events, and excited and congratulatory afterward."Both teams are looking for as many New England Interschols qualifiers as possible. "I'm really looking forward to seeing the team move through our final weeks of training and seeing who will step up to fill in any gaps so that we can be a deep and well rounded team come Interschols," Baker said. 


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