Music Review: “I Wanna Be Yours” by Pink Sweat$

Last Wednesday, Pink Sweat$ released the single “I Wanna Be Yours,” a collaboration with Korean RnB singer Crush. I have loved listening to Pink Sweat$’s music after hearing his soft, soulful voice in his “Honesty” music video last year, so when I heard about his feature with Crush, one of my favorite K-music artists, I knew I had to listen to the song.

Pink Sweat$ starts off the first verse of “I Wanna Be Yours” with his signature acoustic guitar. The melody is simple, but the driving beat from the drum loop adds a faster tempo than Sweat$’s normal style, offering a fresh sound in contrast with the slower-paced music of his Volume 1 and Volume 2 albums. Sweat$ continues to sing through the pre-chorus and chorus, where the drums speed up for a short time, before handing the second verse to Crush. Crush takes over the second and third verses, singing in English. The two artists harmonized at the end of the song, highlighting their unique voices.

What struck me most about this song was the distinct tones of each artist’s voice. Pink Sweat$’s smooth, full voice is a bit deeper than Crush’s, and it shines in the first verse. Conversely, Crush’s lighter voice adds a twist to the same melody in the second and third verses. This variation gives a refreshing appeal to what could have been a repetitive refrain. Both of the artists easily carry out the falsettos in the chorus and their steady control with the changing tones demonstrated their vocal talents. 

One of the only things I would critique is the song’s lyrics. While the lyrics might be special to Sweat$ or Crush in some way, I feel like their words about wanting to be with someone who isn’t theirs just follows the mainstream, surface-level themes of love.

Apart from the musical elements, I love the fact that Pink Sweat$ collaborated with Crush, a Korean artist. Both are singer-songwriters with similar ballad styles of RnB that focus on vocals rather than intricate instrumentals. Crush, being a South Korean artist, hasn’t always been able to reach audiences beyond Korea. His appearance on the Colors Show earlier this year with his single “None” created some buzz; with this collaboration, however, I can definitely see more people appreciating and enjoying his music.

Overall, “I Wanna Be Yours” is not a song that I particularly love, but it is a great addition to my “chill” playlist. The lyrics could use some improvement, but the pairing of Pink Sweat$ and Crush’s voices is definitely worth listening to.


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