Term Activities In Review

When reflecting upon the past year, Exonians will not think of the demanding curriculum so much as they will remember the fond memories shared with friends and the activities that helped to catalyze these precious moments. I have compiled the following list of some of the most memorable events that have taken place this past school year.

Speed Dating: As Upper Benj Cohen preached in his Student Council election speech, Exeter needs more events like Speed Dating that brought smiles campus-wide. 

International Student Tea: This was the first year that the International Student Advisory Board has hosted an event of such grandiose. The event, which offered a wide array of ethnic desserts and tea, was not specific to international students and attracted all quarters of Exeter’s campus. 

Asian Night Market: Always a popular event, the Asian Night Market once again succeeded in raising awareness for one of the many diverse groups of people at Exeter through the means of food.

Academy Life Day: Whether playing on the beach or on a miniature golf course, students across campus enjoyed this day off at the beginning of the school year to take part in a fun activity and get accustomed to their new peers. 

Dances: Dunbar kicked off the year with their annual Back in Black dance. For many, the event was their first high school dance and would pave the road for their interest in other popular dances such as Glow, Fish Fest and Soule Tea. 

Principal’s Day: Mere seconds after Phillips Exeter released the news of Principal’s Day on their Instagram account, word travelled quickly around campus to the joy of all. Some used this extra day to bond with dormmates and sleep in. Others used it to catch up or get ahead on their work. Despite the bad weather, many were grateful to be given the day off. 

Jazz Brunch: Just when students begin to get tired of the monotony of the dining hall food and the winter term, Jazz Brunch comes along to add some flair and improve the livelihood of the students across campus. This year, the dining hall staff outdid themselves, with some of the best reviews in years. 

Spring Fling: Although rain prevented this event from being held outside, it still proved to be incredibly popular amongst the student body. The event offered a bouncy house and laser tag, a unique activity not usually seen at Exeter.

Relay for Life: Everything from kissing booths to Dance Central was offered at this year’s Relay for Life fundraiser. The event both spread awareness of cancer and allowed Exonians to take part in fun activities. 

The number of student activities this year has increased in comparison to previous years to bring the students at Exeter something to look forward to and talk about with friends. It’s been a long and eventful year. The Class of 2014 will remember these moments. As for the rest of us, we’re looking forward to seeing what Exeter has in store for us next year!


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