Student Council Inaugural Statement

We are grateful to have the privilege to serve as your Executive Board this year. Student Council has the paramount duty of representing all student voices, and we pledge to uphold this mission. We believe our community must be a home for every Exonian and this belief will guide us throughout the upcoming year to serve your needs.

We begin our tenure with this open invitation to all community members to participate in the work of Student Council. Your opinion and experiences are invaluable and integral to our mission. We will strive to foster diversity of thought across all facets of our work, bringing disparate viewpoints together to fulfill a unified vision. The most insightful brainstorming is often generated by organic, face-to-face conversations—therefore, we aim to engage as many student groups as possible in individual dialogue. If you would like to join the discussion, reach out to us. We will listen.

Our board is equally committed to helping translate these values into tangible change. We will leverage the power of the StuCo Committee system to design compelling solutions to the problems you face. We hope that Student Council can serve as a platform to unite the work of student advocacy groups, promote the intersectional exchange of ideas and increase the availability of resources to help make your goals a reality.

To the adult members of our community: we always offer Student Council as a resource for student input on any projects or proposals being considered. We look forward to working with faculty and staff to further important initiatives on our campus.

Finally, thanks to the generosity of the Gupta and Newman Funds, Student Council is annually endowed with a budget which allows us to execute our mission. Previous Executive Boards have invested unused funds towards a project which can have a lasting impact in our community, and Student Council has now saved approximately $10,000. Our board is in the unique position to utilize these funds to create meaningful, positive change on our campus.  Therefore, we are launching the $10,000 Initiative, where we ask every Exonian to contribute their ideas for how these funds could be used. Think out of the box! Please use the QR code below to submit your ideas. The winning submission will be awarded a gift card. We look forward to receiving your vision for our community.

This year, we will strive to play a role in ensuring that every Exonian has a seat at the Harkness table. Our dedication to this ideal is unwavering. We invite you to join us, and together we can create the campus you want to see.


Student Council Executive Board 2019-2020


Write Opinion Articles!


Why is Exeter Extraordinary?