Congresswoman Omar: No Longer Darling of Media

Congresswoman Ilhan Omar was hailed in 2018, after her election, as one of the great hopes of progressivism. Her immigrant background and amazing fight against adversity played again and again on television. Her ability to win over the white working class community gave people the hope that maybe America would overcome the divides which were threatening her country. She had been featured in Time Magazine. She represented the diverse future of the progressive movement.

Yet, suddenly, she is no longer the darling of the media. The Democratic Party no longer rushes to defend her. Her only ally is activist Louis Farrakhan. Why? The reason is clear. She committed the greatest trespass an American congressman or woman can commit: namely, she dared to question the submission of the American government to the Zionist regime and she criticized the power of the Zionist lobby in our government.

If you don’t know much about this horrible event, her story will seem unimaginable, even unreal. It all began in a congressional hearing about Venezuela, in which she criticized Trump’s envoy to Venezuela, neocon expert Elliot Abrams. In a hearing on Venezuela she attacked Abram’s involvement in anti-communist movement in Latin America and claimed he was guilty of a war crime. Her argument is its own, complex issue. But it was what followed which is the more clear-cut and disturbing event.

Republican leader Kevin McCarthy went on the record arguing that he needed to “take action” against her and Palestinian congresswoman Rashida Tlaib over their anti-Zionist activism. She tweeted back “It’s all about the Benjamins, baby,” using a term for the one hundred dollar bill which features Benjamin Franklin on it. When questioned over her comment she told reporters that she was referencing the alleged bribery of American officials by the Zionist movement in America.

Her enemies seized on her tweet to discredit her work and tar her with the brush of “anti-semitism.” They argued her attacks on Abrams were motivated by hatred of Jews and that she used anti-semitic stereotypes of Jewish moneylenders in her attack on McCarthy. The Democratic elite did not defend their former hero, forcing her to issue a retraction of her claim.

Her story is indicative of the unfortunate political environment in which we now live. In particular, it has brought up the extremist, manipulative, nature of the Zionist movement to the fore. And it’s shown how the Democratic elite, however much they talk about defending minorities, is unwilling to truly defend the rights of the downtrodden throughout the world.

Over and over again we hear politicians like Nancy Pelosi go on and on again about the need to defend Arabs in America. When Trump instituted his travel ban every top Democrat went on record to accuse him of racism. You would think then, that they would be in favor of attacking Zionist human rights abuses in the middle east. Yet on this one question they seem to forget every principle which they claim to defend and line up behind President Trump and the Republican Party to attack one of their own members.

Why? In effect Omar’s comment generated such controversy because she brought up one of the greatest hidden truths of modern America. The fact is, the Zionist lobby does pay, through a convoluted network of political donation, American congressman and woman to remain silent over zionist human rights abuses.

   This is not an “anti-semitic” conspiracy. It is one of the Zionist movement’s key features and it’s why they remain powerful in America today. To comprehend its power you have to study the history of Zionist lobbying, in particular that of AIPAC, the kingpin zionist organization. Its founder, one Isaiah L. Kenen began his work during the 1950’s, with the explicit goal of covering up zionist atrocities. He even wrote that coverage of the Zionist murders committed at Qibya were damaging to “our propaganda.” He formed his group to, in the words of historian Doug Rossinow, have a “’cleaner’ financial basis” than previous zionist groups. AIPAC, his organization does not explicitly give money to any candidate. But they hide their funding in a network of AIPAC funded committees. And worryingly, these groups hide their true agenda, using names like “National Action Committee” or “Heartland PAC” which belie the fact that they are AIPAC funded. Indeed AIPAC alone spend millions each year lobbying congress to advocate for zionist policy.

The Zionist lobby cannot let the truth about their activity be known. They cannot let Americans of all backgrounds see how they have inserted themselves into the political machinery. Ilhan Omar threatens the illusion which they have worked hard to build. Therefore, they must suppress her, smear here, ruin her political career. Every American should wake up to this unfortunate reality. Ilhan Omar’s struggle is more than one politician’s fight to preserve her reputation. It’s a battle for the soul of the country. We need to ask ourselves this question: “Do we want to live in a country where foreign political agents bully elected congressman and woman.” If your answer is no then you must support Omar, regardless of your political beliefs, because if we lose this fight our freedom and open debate will be irreparably harmed.


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