The Benefit of Parents' Weekend

As Parents’ Weekend approached, the buzz amongst Exonians began to increase. Our parents sat in on classes, our siblings ate at dining halls and Grill, our grandparents strolled down the paths. It was heartening to see families experience the daily life of a typical Exonian; Parents’ Weekend is definitely an event that brings many tangible benefits to our community, with better food from dining halls topping the list.

Parents’ Weekend allows us to focus on things that truly matter. Once absorbed into the Exeter bubble, it can be difficult to not become consumed by it. Exonians usually set high standards for themselves and are willing to sacrifice a lot to reach them. Sure, grades are important, but with the pressure stemming from academic achievements, it is easy to temporarily forget that a world exists outside of Exeter. This is why Parents’ Weekend is so essential: when our families and friends visit, we are able to enjoy things that are vital but aren’t necessarily reinforced at Exeter. This includes relaxation and leisure time, bonding with others, and maintaining relationships with the people that you love and trust. For a brief moment, your environment doesn’t revolve around college applications and extracurriculars, and you are able to reevaluate your perspective on certain priorities.

When we have the opportunity to leave Exeter and perhaps visit other places for the weekend, we are also reminded of how privileged we are to study here. When it’s 2am and you only have half your history paper written, feeling gratitude for Exeter is not an easy task. However, when we have enough time to take a break and look back, we often realize that despite the hardships, Exeter is an intellectually stimulating environment with many amazing people that constantly push you to be better.

If there was one improvement to be made, it would have to do with Dean Coole banning fatigues. Although his intention behind banning fatigues on the day after Parents’ Weekend is understandable, it did not take into account the students who had major assignments due right after the weekend and may have genuinely felt exhausted.

Yes, we had more time to finish our work and be prepared for classes, but the entire point of Parents’ Weekend is to have a break from our usually hectic schedules. Students should not be penalized for maximizing time spent with their families or for taking care of their mental health. If the Exeter administration is making a genuine effort to improve the state of mental health at this school, it cannot ban fatigues the day after Parents’ Weekend, or weekends in general.

Parents’ Weekend allows Exonians a necessary rest from the bustling day-to-day life at Exeter. With all of us constantly swamped in homework and other obligations, not to mention seniors working on their college applications, it was relieving to spend a relaxing weekend with the people that we love, where everyone was able to pursue activities that we don’t usually have the free time for. Parents’ Weekend bolsters a sense of appreciation and community, and we are better for it.


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