Letter to the Editor

Dear Editor,

In the recent Exonian article, Head of the Trustees, Tony Downer, stated that the purpose of the interim principal role is “bringing closure to the journey we have been on over the past few years, addressing our past shortcomings and flaws in the realm of sexual misconduct and endeavoring to provide support and bring comfort to those who have experienced harm.” Given that this is the stated purpose of interim, PATH (a group comprised of both alumni harmed on campus and non-harmed alumni) believe that the selection should reflect, at least in part, our input and concerns.


We would like to request that the finalist be given access to Rockingham Files as well as information from the investigations (Holland Knight, Nixon Peabody, NH State Troopers, Choate Hall, etc). They will need to be aware of what has been, and what is now, so they can make a determination about their suitability for the work.


Secondly, we respectfully ask that the candidates respond to the following questions.



Phillips Exeter Alumni for Truth and Healing



Mr. Rawson,

You don't give dates in your statement, but it seems you might have been a trustee during the first Schubart internal disclosures. If that is true, what was your position, or vote even, on disclosure to the community?


What experiences can you share that suggest that you are ready to lead the current Exeter, and not the Exeter of the past?



Ms. Clarke,

In the Exonian you state, “We could work to heal relationships with members of the greater Exeter community who may have been harmed in the past, perhaps involving alumni in the process.” Please clarify your use of the words “could” and “perhaps” here.


Also, your sentence, “All school Heads today wait for the phone call that a student in the distant or recent past has been sexually mistreated at our school.” If you are appointed interim, you will not have to wait for this phone call. Aside from your mention of Ms. Sciocchetti and your support of your front line friend, how do you intend to handle the many “urgent,” and “call back” messages from harmed alumni?



Ms. Palmer,

Some in our group have experienced your efforts to change the culture on campus first hand. Our question is somewhat unfair, because it penalizes you for doing good work, but it is a valid concern.


How does it benefit the "greater good" to move you away from your important current work to the interim position, which would necessitate action (if done well), that might make stay at the Academy, beyond the interim 2 year term, impossible?




The Distinguished Gentleman


Exeter to Hire Coordinators For Next Year