Spread the Positivity

Unbelievably, Trump is president. Against all odds, he pulled through and won the right to govern our country. This past week has been, to say the least, uncertain. It has shown the division among our nation and the price we pay as a nation for listening to the person who shouts the loudest and promises the most, as opposed to the one who speaks firmly and offers a tinge of realism. This unfavorable outcome shouldn’t dishearten us democrats, nor should it make it seem like there is no hope in a Trump presidency; as Hillary Clinton hinted in her concession speech, the only way to succeed is to work together towards a common, hopefully bipartisan, goal. One thing that every Democrat nervous for the future has to do is to buckle down, get his or her nose to the grindstone, and begin preparing for the Trump administration in every way they can.I myself was remarkably upset when I found out that Trump was elected president. I was upset about the ideals he spoke about during his campaign. I was upset for the image his presidency would project on America. Yet I was most upset at what his presidency meant for my close friends who would be affected the most. However, I knew within my gut that what had happened, happened, and that nothing anyone could do would ever change that. And now, as I look back, I realize that being overcome with emotion, while still a perfectly acceptable and normal response, isn’t necessarily the one that will bring the change we direly need.Instead of protesting, we need to strategize and think ahead. We need to insist upon particular institutions that we are proud of and remain united throughout his four years. Instead of protesting against Trump, protest for Obamacare, or Roe v. Wade, or whatever matters to you most. That is the way we can get things done in this country and how we can make it a better place for everyone.This country has found itself facing a very two-dimensional view of politics. We have liberals and we have conservatives; republicans and democrats; people on the left and people on the right. What has this done to the political climate of this country? It has led to an entirely partisan government, with both sides pushing their own agendas merely for the sake of pushing them. Even more heinously, it has edged out those with non-mainstream views, and forced potential candidates to change themselves to appeal to a particular party’s values. Some even argue that Trump won because he represented suppressed values of the American people. In the end, if you bring Trump’s own personality into the mix along with his Republican obligations, and you have a dangerous combination.But together we can overcome it. The future is bleak, but we don’t have to make it any drearier than it already is. In spreading positivity, we need (as hard as it is) to reach out to Trump supporters. We need to listen to them and put our emotions aside and strive for level-headed discussion. Most importantly, we need to show them that we are willing to do as much as is possible for our interests and for this country. I understand that this is easier said than done; I empathize with those who Trump has disenfranchised and mocked, and I get how scary it is that we live in a country in which a man like that has the same views as millions of Americans. But we have to strive for what we believe in and always do our best to make this country united. We must, in the end, go high.


Happiness in Trump's America


Are Trump’s Positions Changing Already?